Is all HGV work agency now?. Dundee and Perth

Hi folks, I am sitting here with my class 2 and class 1. I have had them since 2008 and 2009. I have an up to date digital tacho.

I have been searching for jobs for months now and cannot find anything. I have emailed almost every company in my surrounding area up to around 40 miles and none are recruiting. There does not appear to be any agency work at the minute either?.

Is there any way to get into a job or is it all who you know now?. I have not done my CPC yet so will have to get that done but I do not know if I will as there seems to be a distinct lack of jobs.

I am in two minds if I should go back to the drawing board and study something else?. Or should I get ADR or HIAB?. The problem with that is all companies always looks for experience.

From the jobs I have done the company will always pick older drivers over younger ones. In my experience anyway. Even if the older driver is totally useless and about to drop dead and always returns with bits missing of the truck they will still put him in the truck.

Anyhoo, I did my class 1 and 2 as at the time there was all this talk of earn up to 30 to 35k a year and driver shortages. So I thought right that sounds like a good idea as I enjoy driving. As soon as I passed both there was nothing. Most agency work I see advertised is for like £7 or £8 an hour which is rubbish.

You can get more filling a shelf in a supermarket or sitting on a checkout. You are driving a 44 ton lorry and keeping records and having to pay to train to drive them. So where are all these high paying jobs?.

If anyone can give any pointers or advice on how to get into work then I am listening. I live in Perth and Dundee area and really need a secure full time good paying job. £25k a year or more.