Funny old topic at the moment, but i was just reading an earlier thread about someone fancying driving in Ireland, heres my take on it, A few years ago was the last time i was out there, been out quite a bit doing band or conference work, scenery is simalar to Wales, but the " Craic " is , well its a different way of life, The roads used to be so bad with Pot Holes and they were really rough, especially in a left hook Magnum, even then I used to think, if all the Gipsies / Pikies, what ever you want to call them, Buggered off back home and done their own "Drives" it would be a better place, & I dont just mean ENGLAND.. now look at the state of the UK, enough of the POLITICS... i had a job come up to collect the "Back Line" ( band musical equipment ) from the sound studio belonging to Delorus (?) the lead singer in the Crannberries, this was in a place called Killmallock, sth of Limerick & take it up to Oslo for a Music awards, on the boat from Liverpool to Dun Laoghaire ( Dun Leary to the layman )i got talking to a couple of Irish lads who had a horse box on board, as the address was was a Stud Farm, put 2 + 2 toghether, what i did not realise was how protective they are about there own.. it was only after i proved to them I was actually a truck driver & not some mad sad fan, this is what i got, Go down the M7 then onto the N8 head for Cashel, then turn right on the N74 to Tipperary, this rd was tight , at the crossroads go straight on,this was now single track, after a mile or so you need to go left past the red phone box, ( my mobile had no signal so memorise this place ) & staight over the "X" rds & after a mile or so you will see it on your left, but there is a bridge on a bend as you turn right, good luck they said...well it was spot on but the mile or so bit was more like 5 or 6, & the roads were deserted & very narrow, not the kind of place for truck, but what a place it was, loaded and once a tour of the Studio was done, off I went ,as I now had 4 more ferries to catch before I arrived in a very cold & snow bound Oslo, where i stayed for the week all exe
s paid, enjoying Very expensive Norway, but that was just one of the better jobs… i will post the one about the Koreans i toured with another time…Dodgy…