irish firms

hi was wondering anyone any feedback on an irish firm called ballinalard was looking to gain employment with this co but looking to see anyone know/feedback … etc cheers

There has been a long discussion about that firm on trucknet forums,there was a you tube video about a foreign driver that broke the driving hours and was told he was too early when he arrived,dont get confused about the welsh driver called yogi,that blew the whistle about another irish firm,most will ask you to run bent for a ferry or not take adequate weekly rests,and employ eastern european drivers that get exploited.
Another you tube interview,was about a fridge firm that abused drivers hours,the owner was a president of the irish road haulage association.

cheers toby seems been deleted on you tube …

When I saw your user name I thought it said Scottishthrob at first. Then I read that you’re looking to work for the Paddies and I thought, maybe you should change it and have throb on the end ya throbber! :stuck_out_tongue:

dont get confused about the welsh driver

I don’t know his member name but he is Luke Vernon, he will probably be able to help, this is his website:

You can contact him through the site also.


dont get confused about the welsh driver

I don’t know his member name but he is Luke Vernon, he will probably be able to help, this is his website:

You can contact him through the site also.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Now that will confuse him!! Toby says the Welsh driver was called “Yogi”.

Luke Vernon, AKA Switchlogic or Switcholic or Switchoholic (depending on whether Toby has had his medicine or not!! :laughing: ) is the “owner” of

I dont think he is Welsh and im fairly sure he is not the driver in the youtube clip that toby is referring to.

He does however seem to attract a fan club of wannabe Irish drivers, his current best mate being “Batty”…literally!! :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Well his family live in Wales and he does drive for Virginia Logistics (IE), not sure of his actual nationality, he seems the sort to be well clued up on Irish firms IMO :slight_smile:

44 Tonne Ton:
When I saw your user name I thought it said Scottishthrob at first. Then I read that you’re looking to work for the Paddies and I thought, maybe you should change it and have throb on the end ya throbber! :stuck_out_tongue:

hahaha your as funny as

Please read foum rule #3 that you agreed to when you joined. dd.

Oh dear, no sense of humour. You’ll do well here! … re=related

they are looking for drivers. you need your DCPC.
they run out through holyhead, and pembrooke.