iPhone/iPad satnav

Hi I’m new here and wondering about hgv satnav on my device don’t wanna spend £130 on software wondered if there was any other software that allows the editing of vehicle so can avoid weight limits and low bridges

No a dedicated satnav is usually more. There is the ebay ones

I rely on my phone, I don’t need a sat nav to get me from Leeds to Bristol.

Hi I’m new here and wondering about hgv satnav on my device don’t wanna spend £130 on software wondered if there was any other software that allows the editing of vehicle so can avoid weight limits and low bridges

you won’t get a free one for an apple device.

Have a look at aponia truck they have a massive sale on uk map is 16 quid eu map is 50

I gave up having a dedicated device last year when my TomTom died. Now I use Here Drive on my phone. They just released it for iOS and Android too and I it’s a great little app. It’s free plus you can download maps. Nokia’s (for Here belongs to Nokia) map are great. I’ve never felt the need for a truck nav. Preferring to save my cash and use common sense instead, what little I have of it.

Luke the aponia one is truck specific and gives you a 90 day trail there’s a massive offer on maps to untill the 16 of Jan ita worth a look the maps look nicer than here too

I’m on Windows Phone, I doubt they’ve made an app for it! To be honest I rarely go to new customers now so I tend not to have it on at all most of the time

Well fancy that, Aponia is on Windows Phone. Just downloaded it to cover it a whirl. Thanks for the tip

So am I Luke

Luke & Alix please let us know how you get on with aponia, I have it bookmarked but can’t test it in anger as I’m still not lorrying yet, so I’d appreciate candid reviews :slight_smile:

As with any hgv sat nav it works very well just make sure you buy the maps before 16 of Jan eu map is 40quid from memory the uk only one is about 16 quid for the price its worth a punt. Ot works the same as any other hgv satnav width weight etc. Its been about on android for a while so should be find the maps looked very good in London last week with 3d buildings on the industrial est I was on. The routing ok too though I was in the van at the time I trunking at the moment at 16 ft and its been fine so far

With 90 day trail its worth just trying

I rely on my phone, I don’t need a sat nav.


Thought I’d give this app a go although I normally go to the same places so would only use it every now and then, but can’t find the HGV mode.

I’ve downloaded the app on my iPhone, gone to routing mode but there is no HGV mode just car,pedestrian and helicopter.
Am I looking in the wrong place ?
Anyone else downloaded it on a iPhone

Did you download the truck version sounds or the car

I could only find Aponia software on there.
So I downloaded that.
Is that the wrong one.

Just had a look myself and same as above only has car / pedestrian or helicopter !! I wish! No LGV that I can find

Unbelievable, An iphone/pad post hijacked by the android/windows paupers, this post couldnt have got any further away from the original subject if you tried. :smiling_imp:

Just looked on the website it only states google amazon and windows phone for truck.

As for paupers I’ve dicthed ios completely in favour of windows phone and not missing an iphone at all much better os and syncs better with my tablet

I definately have “Truck” showing on my Android (kitkat 4.4) HUDL 2 ( 8.3 inch screen :sunglasses: ) so I’m guessing you downloaded the one that didn’t say “Truck” on the little icon when you downloaded it

This is the website - aponia.com/en/products/truck-navigation

This is the app store - play.google.com/store/apps/deta … ruck&hl=en

I like it that much already that I’ve just bought the full Europe maps to take advantage of the 65% off sale.