
I’m due a bit of unexpected cash soon and trying to decide if I should go for an iPad or not.

I thought about getting one a while ago but the thing is I already have a laptop I take with me in the cab so is there really much point??

In short no, but that’s just my opinion.

I have no time for iPads, iPhones or iPods. They are over hyped junk in IMHO.
And don’t start me on iTunes :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

iTunes is so ■■■■■■■ annoying.

I must admit I really can’t stand the DRM apple enforce. It’s ridiculous

I take mine with me all the time. Download things over the weekend and you are set up for the week.
My laptop is under the bunk where it has been since I got the ipad.

I take mine with me all the time. Download things over the weekend and you are set up for the week.
My laptop is under the bunk where it has been since I got the ipad.

Yep. I am the same. The only downfall I find is it will not support flash based web pages. But apart from that it’s great. And you also have an HD version of Tapatalk for iPad to view this forum.


I take mine with me all the time. Download things over the weekend and you are set up for the week.
My laptop is under the bunk where it has been since I got the ipad.

Yep. I am the same. The only downfall I find is it will not support flash based web pages. But apart from that it’s great. And you also have an HD version of Tapatalk for iPad to view this forum.

If you have a jailbroken ipad you can download Frash player from cydia which is flash for ipad works on ipad 1,2 and 3. I have it on my ipad 3 works great, hope this helps.

Nexus 7 is the boy of the moment, great little bit of kit I can vouch for and no sightunes :slight_smile:

Nexus 7 is the boy of the moment, great little bit of kit I can vouch for and no sightunes :slight_smile:

And about half the price of an iPad :smiley:

If I was in the market for a tablet right now I’d get the Nexus 7. As it is I’m quite happy with my Motorola Xoom :slight_smile:

iTunes doesn’t have any DRM restriction anymore

iTunes doesn’t have any DRM restriction anymore

The devices do

Go for the iPad , I take mine to work all the time

Download Puffin browser from the AppStore for viewing flash content. There is no DRM. I have hundreds of MP3s downloaded from sources other than iTunes and they play fine on all my apple devices.
Same goes for films.
As stated, the only bad thing about it is using iTunes to sync. It’s an awful programme. There are alternatives though but I’ve yet to try any of them.

Flash will be gone soon anyway and replaced with HTML5 so it’s no deal breaker.
That puffin browser works well with the flash content I’ve tried. There is a free version so you can test it out before buying.

Bought an IPad on Monday and not been able to put it down! Use ICloud to sync my contacts and favourites with my Windows laptop, and so far only paid for one app, all the others I downloaded have been free.
not used the music yet, as I have an IPod, but love the Ipad!