Probably been done to death but could someone recommend a cheap 24v inverter that plugs in straight to socket as new job involves night out but different units so don’t want to wire it in should add just enough to run laptop charger thanks
If I was you. Just get a 24v to 12v and an incar charger for you laptop. Main reason being, if the lorry your in has a 12v socket, job done. For the amount of current your gonna use, a mains inverter would be OTT.
I have 2 laptops in my campervan and both have incar chargers, never had a problem with either of the chargers.
Probably been done to death but could someone recommend a cheap 24v inverter that plugs in straight to socket as new job involves night out but different units so don’t want to wire it in should add just enough to run laptop charger thanks
Thats what I’ve got can’t fault it
If you only want to power the laptop, then just get yourself a 24v input laptop charger. I have one and it works well.
I was going to get a 24v laptop charger from Maplins, the chap behind the counter said I’d be better off with a small 300w 12v (i have 12v socket) so I brought it… It was a lot cheaper too.
A good source for inverters … index.html
I have a 300w somewhere
I would go for the inverter, more versatile, maplins do 24 volt and 12 volt, had a deal on last week end.
You really need to have a NEED ([SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND SMILING EYES]) for a converter first!
They are energy hungry even without a load so if you can get away with a 12/24v version for whatever your requirements are go for that option first.
I do have an inverter, similar to the maplin one but its a last resort for when I must go 240v
I use one in my car (12v) to charge Herself’s 24v mobility scooter. I’ve now hard wired it into the cigarette lighter circuit because it kept burning out the cheap and nasty plugs.
Works like a charm now.
The inverter was around £30, I think, from Maplins.
I would go for the inverter, more versatile, maplins do 24 volt and 12 volt, had a deal on last week end.
Is there any major difference between the 12v and 24v inverters ■■
I would go for the inverter, more versatile, maplins do 24 volt and 12 volt, had a deal on last week end.Is there any major difference between the 12v and 24v inverters ■■
Well despite the obvious difference in voltage no although a 24v one will leave your 12v socket available should you need it for say a 12v fridge. I wish I’d brought a 24v one as only have one 12v plug socket.
I assume you’d need a 24v one if you hard wired it to the truck.
I would go for the inverter, more versatile, maplins do 24 volt and 12 volt, had a deal on last week end.Is there any major difference between the 12v and 24v inverters ■■
Well despite the obvious difference in voltage no although a 24v one will leave your 12v socket available should you need it for say a 12v fridge. I wish I’d brought a 24v one as only have one 12v plug socket.
I assume you’d need a 24v one if you hard wired it to the truck.
So both would run the same sort of equipment then ■■
Have you tried a dropper? I have a 24v to 12v thingy so would this be an option for you ?
what size inverter to use with a 700/800W microwave and TV/DVD thanks
Owen you will need something like a 2000watt inverter 24,volt wired direct to the batteries , and suitably fused mines on volvo FH and they can be wired to a point under the front grille . Not a diy job unless you know what your doing !
Cheers MIke
do not do wot I did !!! had a 12v 300w inverter for a couple of years in a van & 7.5t, no problems until this week when it went wrong . no problem ,just get a new one ,theres a place literally next door the yard selling them at £35 . wanders round gets one and strolled back to the yard and plugs it in and …bang !! id plugged into the 24v socket . on a up note ive just had a winning bid of £16.48 inc p&p on ebay . I just need to make sure I use the correct socket this time .
Thanks Mike very usefull info cheers Owen