Inverter, Modified or pure sine wave?

For a 600 W microwave, can I use a 1500 W modified sine wave inverter or should it be the pure sine wave inverter ? Thanks in advance.

Pure sin wave, bigger is better, 2000w+.

Pure sine wave is supposed to be better for complex electronics like microwaves, TVs, game stations and laptops. Modified is fine for kettles and stuff that doesn’t use any fancy chips.

As for 600w microwave - if that’s the cooking rating
on the front, then look on the back and see what the actual power usage is as it’ll be well over 600. (Would imagine at least 1000W).

Then check what the “continuous” and “peak” ratings are for your inverter (this is really important). If say the microwave takes 1000W, then you need an inverter with ideally a 1500W minimum continuous rating although 2000W would run it more comfortably.

Never go by the peak rating on an inverter. Its relatively meaningless for these calculations and is used a lot by cheap inverters to make them seem bigger.