
Hi All, I did my first posts a few weeks ago but thought Id introduce myself, I currently work for a truck and trailer leasing company, but in the past have owned my own driving agency, worked for 4 manufacturers (parts and sales), hold a class 2 licence and have conducted about 20 days worth of cpc training :unamused: . I have family members involved in all parts of the industry and I look forward to offering a non regular drivers view on things.


welcome to the forum :grimacing:

if you want a biased opinion on blaming Mrs Thatcher, and the railways taking all the work, Carryfast is your man, or on how to run bent and get away with it, then Limeyphil is your ,an for that, or if you want advice on how to become a successful owner driver, then you need to speak to Rob K :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Why would drivers need to run bent with all the well paid work and fine accommodation/parking available around the country :unamused: :smiley:

Why would drivers need to run bent with all the well paid work and fine accommodation/parking available around the country :unamused: :smiley:

with a sense of humour like that, you will fit in well :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

just hope you have got the thick skin to go with it :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Having worked for truck dealerships ran my own driving agency and been a dcpc trainer, I am expecting the odd comment or two :laughing: