hi everyone id like to introduce myself on here my names ■■■■ hull and have drove for a few northamptonshire companies and run trucks myself my first driving job was for a company that owned shoe shops around england and wales driving a thames trader 4 cylinder used to go to it early mornings and most times it wouldnt start so i used to park it so i could push on the front wheel to get it moving jump in and bump start it didnt do it for long then shortly afterwards worked for knights of old when they were in old village collecting milk from the farms and delivering to the dairy in northampton in rasome road i think these were the days when you collected it in churns i remember one day getting back to the yard where a guy was in the office with a churn lid that had come off my truck and hit his car got a rollocking off don knight worked with a few characters on knights
percy head ■■■■ braybrooke dave linnel brian cawthorne and a few more which ill remember another day after a while i went on long distance driving a dodge 4 wheeler we used to do a lot of early morning potato deliveries to markets then reload locally in the evenings for the next day ive never worked so long hours also fred smith used to do lots of miles on my other log book without going out of the office the old dodge used to fly but it wouldnt stop i used to say to tommy keeber the mechanic that my brakes wanted adjusting hed say he was to busy hed do it at the weekend one trip i was on the way to newcastle on the a1 approaching the roundabout at retford put the brakes on didnt make much difference grabbed the handbrake came allthe way up hit the autolube tank in the cab still going like f##k i finished up going over the roundabout instead of round it
hard schooling with roping and sheeting especially when everything was wet
hello to my good mate diesel dan more later ■■■■
Hi dodgydick,
Welcome aboard mate,hope you get as much pleasure out of this forum as the rest of us. Good to hear your tale from your start in the lorry driving world,look forward to hearing some more.
Cheers Dave.
hi dodgy ■■■■.
welcome to this site,i hope you get as much pleasure out of it as i do.did you come up with the name dodgydick because you drive a dodge,
anyway ■■■■ give us all a few tales of your exploits on the road with chettles, knights of old etc. bon voy arge, as they say in your part of the world
cheers for now diesel