Interview on fri wahaa

Earlier this evening i saw a job advert for a tipper driver it said must have expeariance with tarmac / stone but i thought they can only say no so I rang the mobile number and was an aswer machine anyway I left my number with a very brief out line ect was not expecting a call back as i have no expeariance of either tarmac or stone and only held my C licence just over a month now .
Anyway the phone just rang and was the owner of the company who listened to what I had to say and said do you mind working nights NO NO not at all was my reply so have got an interview on friday at 1.00pm in Over Kellet Carnforth nr lancaster … … And all sounds very hopefull he said if he liked the look of me he would start me part time nights two nights with another driver ( payed) to show me the ropes then take me on full time … … HELP can anyone tell me anything I nead to know Please as i have only ever driven a 7.5 ton tipper with sand any special safty gear i nead i have already got /boots / gloves / flueresant vest / jacket / hard hat /high vis water proofs …
It seems to be motorway road works and building site work …I will be sad to give up the agency work if i get the job as i did like that for the variaty and expeariance it gave me but hey neads must …and at least this is a permanent full time job …40/50 hrs Monday to Sundays. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
He said hes not bothered about me living in Blackpool 43 mile away as he has a depot in Preston as well as Carnforth …so all sound very good as preston is only 15 mile away …
Only tip when you are on level ground .
check the perimiter around you for people walking about .
check over head cables power lines ect before tipping …
tippers nead a lot more turning circle .
anything else would be helpfull guys and gals i would be greatfull …
many thanks a happy chappy now Roy

cant really help on the info your looking for as i have nil tipper experience myself, just wanna say goodluck and hope you get the job :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Same here Roy, i can’t offer any advice but will wish you the very best of luck in landing the job.

Fingers crossed for you.


Thanks Guys for that
Well i was totally honest with him on the phone and he still wants to see me on friday so either he cant get drivers for nights or he liked my honesty im not going to turn up in a suit for the Interview my cleaned pressed work clothes as its bound to be a muddy yard ( plus dont want Mr Iqbal to think im after his job eh :laughing: ) :wink:

Good look mate. Hope you get the job

Ive done a fair bit of tipper work mate.
Youve covered the basics there bud, its pretty easy work, tarmac can be a bit messy but if your on load bonus it should pay better than aggregate.
Speaking from personal experience id say watch your back door when tipping onto a pile, Id only been doing it a couple of weeks, i went to a builders merchant with a load of sand/gravel mix and thought i was doing them a favour by backing it as far into the bay as i could, but as the body raises the back door will swing out and dig into the heap which resulted in me taking the back door off :blush: :blush:
Most doors will fold in half and be secured with a pin to avoid this but just keep your eye on the door when tipping :sunglasses:
Tipping tarmac straight into the machine for the first time can seem daunting, remember to fold your mud flaps up, but dont forget to put them down again when tipped, again, personal experience…I left my flaps folded up which covered my rear light clusters completley, then set out on a 50 mile motorway journey :blush:
Good luck with it mate, its a good job, im sure you will enjoy it :sunglasses:

You need some rigger boots and if you have an allotment it helps if you can take a bucket of mud to work to throw over your back lights and mirrors, in fact you only really need one N/S mirror just set at cyclist head height :stuck_out_tongue:

It might help if you can wedge a couple of rocks between your tyres, but the guy who is training you will help you with that :stuck_out_tongue:

Only joking dude, well done on the interview and good luck.

Thanks you lot LOL wheel nut you are a realnut ha not got an alotment but know the local pig farmer :wink: I will use some of his muck will be an added safty feature then they will smell me coming just incase they cant see me …,…rigger boots eh and a hard hat the wife likes that idea :unamused: flaming hell she will have me dancing to YMCA next NO NO not me … :open_mouth: :blush: …I will dress like village people only when she dresses like Lady GaGa … :wink:
And thanks Lee 27 all usfull info mate yea he did mention a bonus but said he will explain more on friday told him i was going to still Re-take my CE and I asked if that was a problem he said no not at all as if he got a artic it ment he already had a driver (cool ) I was very suprised when i found out the name of the company (mohmed Iqbal Haulage ) and sound a big firm if they got two dopots . i did a job for the agent today and was looking at tippers as i passed them on the M6 i did see that some have a split bach door /gate i have seen some in the past with a little hatch in the back aswell … but i bet its a right b*** trying to clean them off after a load of tarmac matey . Oh thats another thing i nead eh a gallon tub of SWARFEGA … corrr i bet our baths gonna be a mess ha ha . … another thing i didnt think of was it must be a secure job because they never stop digging the roads up in lancashire everywhere i have been last week on CE training and test was full of road works … as is blackpool prom … I have never seen a Clean tipper driver but i have never seen a unhappy one either …only going up hill on the M6 dangling a tin of oil in front of the truck to make it go faster :laughing:
regards Roy

And thanks Lee 27 all usfull info mate yea he did mention a bonus but said he will explain more on friday told him i was going to still Re-take my CE and I asked if that was a problem he said no not at all as if he got a artic it ment he already had a driver (cool ) I was very suprised when i found out the name of the company (mohmed Iqbal Haulage ) and sound a big firm if they got two dopots . i did a job for the agent y

R S A (BOLTON) LTD perhaps. established in 2006

well well well Roy will give me one if he likes the look of me you say so are you going in a borat mankini of casual its your call :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

ps well done mate Ed

Hey Ed
borrat mankini hard hat and riger boots :open_mouth: what a horrible thought …uhhhh but i bet mi wife would like it … :laughing:
Wheelnut i think you are right mate but think that was a former name looks like he applied for 4 vehicles operaters licence 2006 … …i have done a little bit of research but cant find a lot I guess i will just have to wait till tomorrow eh :laughing: I found some old Job adverts dating back to 2006 and 2009 so he is not one of those you see adverizing every other week :slight_smile: thats a good sign i think .26 hrs to interview and counting . :open_mouth:

Hey Ed
borrat mankini hard hat and riger boots :open_mouth: what a horrible thought …uhhhh but i bet mi wife would like it … :laughing:
Wheelnut i think you are right mate but think that was a former name looks like he applied for 4 vehicles operaters licence 2006 … …i have done a little bit of research but cant find a lot I guess i will just have to wait till tomorrow eh :laughing: I found some old Job adverts dating back to 2006 and 2009 so he is not one of those you see adverizing every other week :slight_smile: thats a good sign i think .26 hrs to interview and counting . :open_mouth:

Yes I looked at that, but the owners in 2006 were still called Iqbal, so that is probably a good sign :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah Ha Well just cracked open a Yorky bar …I met the Boss Mr Iqbal at Carnforth Truck haven he phoned me to say sorry but he was running late I thought he was gonna say jobs gone but no he said will be there at between 3.30pm and 4.30pm few but he got there after being stuck on the M6 and all is well starting training with a full time driver on tuesday night for two nights then I have to do an induction only 30 mins he said at a local hotel for the quarry …then he is starting me part time min 16 hrs minimum nights but will be going full time once I have an eppic card Ive got to do another course for that though …said probably a couple weeks time as he will have to book me on a course …sounds like i will be running out of Millom quarry most of the time thats good as I know the area around Millom and its better now with the new High Newton Bypass
That A590 used to be a pain at the top of Lindale hill where it went through the two farm buildings but The A595 has a good butty bar at Broughton just before Foxfield good job im going on nights or I would be putting weight on :open_mouth: …The funny part is its all fresh air and nice scenery up there but I wont get to see it on nights eh … :unamused: the truck i saw was a Volvo ( Barton Aggregates ) on the side will know more about it on Tuesday night as it was a quick visit today think he was busy paying the drivers and gettin them swapped over …
I have got to be Honest though Driving up there today i was thinking how I am going to miss the agency work but just as I thought it my phone rang (Agent ) asking me to be in Heywood for 5pm that was at 3.00pm and I was the other side of lancaster and was i glad … would have ment traveling 48 miles to work in rush hour then do a job at £8 a hr then 48 miles home so that changed my mind for me … i will miss the variaty but thats all … And £12 a hour is a lot better money than I hoped for as he asked for expearienced tipper drivers only plus i am getting the expearience neaded now but just goes to show no matter what that job advert says its always worth a try Just be honest and They can only say No … :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
A Happy Chappy Roy

well done matey hope all goes well for you dont be a stranger on here although i suppose you will be going over to the prof drivers forum :laughing: Ed

Is a eppi card same as CSC card . at least I think he called it an eppi or eppic card :confused: and what does it entail getting one …I know it some thing to do with health and safty and i know there are different CSC cards .
Thanks Roy

Well not a good start waited for a call till 12pm then decided to ring them :frowning: answer machine ) left a message at 1 tried again and spoke to boss who said he would call me back in 30 mins as he hadnt heard from the plant / quarry yet . just got a text saying no night work tonight but deffo tomos and that my induction was booked for 16th sept . lol had just phoned the main agent i use aswell to let them know not to take work for me this week and that i may be leaving next week :angry: but they said its ok and thanks for the call ( most just leave) but they will keep me on file untill I confirm that i wont be back . :laughing: so thats good news . but if I dont start training tomos i think i will be saying that I am going back with the agency work …

Well 2nd night non payed training over with and a lot more to driving a tipper on motor way road works than I ever thought ie making shure the tarmac dont stick to the boddy and being pushed along by the laying machine without spilling the load all over the place even loading the truck at the plant is an expeariance but I had a great teacher A guy called russel who belive me had the patiance of a saint and I have now been offered 16 hrs a week on nights till they get my induction and EPIC card course over with then the next full time job is mine plus i have now got my foot in the door for CE work …so next week i should be on wages …YIPPEEEEEEEE :laughing: at last …It just goes to show even if a job says must have expeariance its worth a phone call and being up front with the boss … I was and it worked . :wink:

So you got a job at last!!
Y I P P E E E E E ! ! !
That’s a brilliant result mate, I’m so pleased for you (and jealous). It just goes to show that there is work out there, you’ve just gotta get out and knock on people’s doors and put up with the knockbacks. Hope to see ya working with the tipper when I am around the motorways next month.
Best of Luck,

Thanks landylad
yep if you dont try you will never know gonna do another tread now as so many people think that these Jobs are hard to get … :laughing: