Internet Explorer 8!

Hi all, straight to the point, my laptop advised me when it was updating itself that it wanted to upgrade to IE 8, I’m using the standard IE7 at the moment.

So, before I push the button I thought I would enquire here as to whether anyone has upgraded to IE8 and / or had any problems as a result of doing so??..any hidden nasties, or things that have disappeared or stopped working as a result of the upgrade.

Also…google chrome, what is it and is it any good??

Many thanks in advance for any advice.


I did - didn’t like it - re-installed IE7

I’ve got IE8 installed, it’s not too bad as I have a computer that I’ve built myself and is less than 12 months old. I use Chrome as my main browser. Personally, I like it, it’s plain and simple to look at but a lot faster than IE. Give it a go, you wont be disappointed. :wink:

I have Internet Explorer 8 somewhere apparently. I have also got Chrome, & Safari.

Spend 10 minutes downloading Mozilla Firefox 3 to give trouble free surfing :wink:

Download Firefox with the Adblock plus add on. Quick surfing with no adverts, you can’t go wrong. :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Thanks all for the replies, im not the most computer literate person around so maybe i will stick with what i have got for the moment.

I thought Safari was just for apple macs and not for windows, which i use■■?

Chers again. :smiley:

Safari is available for windows, however, it’s almost as good at sucking as your hoover is. Get firefox or chrome.

Wheel Nut:
I have Internet Explorer 8 somewhere apparently. I have also got Chrome, & Safari.

Spend 10 minutes downloading Mozilla Firefox 3 to give trouble free surfing :wink:

That’s my choice also.

i was going to get IE8 but someone in the know advised me to get firefox instead and get some add ons like adblocker. i also have coolpreviews and betterprivacy added on. i have always had firefox and its always served me well :sunglasses: