Innovate - it's happened

Whats Happened?

Be careful what you say :open_mouth:

Walls have ears :imp:

Rumour - nothing but a rumour.

Just because it’s on the Road Transport website doesn’t mean it’s true.

It’ll have to be verified. :wink: :wink:


May be a rumour…but looks like its true! :stuck_out_tongue:

Nothing wrong here

:laughing: :laughing:

They’re all ■■■■■■■ dead links. Typical RBI cheapo wet-piece-of-string hosting. The site is becoming a ■■■■■■■ joke and no-one’s doing owt about it. :angry:

All links working here Rob :open_mouth: :confused:

Watch what you say…
You’ll be detained for 42 days without charge!!

its all lies I tell you, its all lies …

the voices in my head told me so … :stuck_out_tongue:

Rob K:
They’re all [zb] dead links. Typical RBI cheapo wet-piece-of-string hosting. The site is becoming a [zb] joke and no-one’s doing owt about it. :angry:

:open_mouth: So why do you keep coming back:?:

Watch what you say…
You’ll be detained for 42 days without charge!!

“In truth, 42 days is just one - perhaps the most salient example - of the insidious, surreptitious and relentless erosion of fundamental British freedoms.”

He listed the growth of the “database state,” government “snooping” ID cards, the erosion of jury trials and other issues.

“This cannot go on. It must be stopped and for that reason today I feel it is incumbent on me to make a stand,” said Wheelnut.

check out page 4 of today’s Daily Telegraph business section ’ Price Waterhouse cooper have beeen commissioned by eimskip to sell Innovate within two weeks. Eimskip quote trading conditions, less than expected utilisation of warehouse space etc etc they are loking to sell at a book price of £74 million. Norbert and NFT are mentioned

check out page 4 of today’s Daily Telegraph business section ’ Price Waterhouse cooper have beeen commissioned by eimskip to sell Innovate within two weeks. Eimskip quote trading conditions, less than expected utilisation of warehouse space etc etc they are loking to sell at a book price of £74 million. Norbert and NFT are mentioned

Obviously a misprint here, but is it an ‘O’ missing or an ‘L’ substituted for a ‘J’? :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing:

i sent them an email last night.
i asked it there was any truth in the rumour that they were gone.
i gotr a reply this morning.
it simply said
i wonder.
be no harm for the big companies to suffer a little.

i know a lot of people wont agree with me because of jobs etc.
these big companies have put a lot of owner drivers down and i am from a family of owner drivers.#if stobart went next.
look at the opportunities there would be for owner driverswith the extra work,
instead of some fat butted zb managing director who treats the drivers as numbers,
who has hundreds of trucks ,
driving a rolls and wouldnt do a days work in his life.
i am all for the demise of big companies.
it will never happen i know.
but it would be great to see in my eyes.
max trucks any haulage company could have.
i dont want to drive for people,but would rather have my own.

Plenty of small companies treat their drivers like crap, I don’t see how replacing Stobarts with lots of smaller contractors woulc offer drivers better employment standards. At least with the largest of companies they are too much in the public eye to go breaking the law or expect their drivers to, and it’s in their interest to keep their drivers happy to maintain a reputation. So i don’t agree it’s a good thing for all the big companies to go bust.

Latest announcement from Eimskip today

There is only one way this is going to end in the current financial climate as no bank is going to support ongoing losses of this magnitude I suspect.

Latest announcement from Eimskip today

There is only one way this is going to end in the current financial climate as no bank is going to support ongoing losses of this magnitude I suspect.

i know it looks that way and what a shame as well.

Norbert and NFT are mentioned

Will that be Norbert Dressingtable or Norbert Dingledangle or even Norbert Deadduckstrangle?

If you want to know about job insecurity and ■■■■■■■■■■ drivers, talk to anyone who works for Salvesen’s. I spoke to one up in Scotland the other week.

There but for the grace of god.

i sent them an email last night.
i asked it there was any truth in the rumour that they were gone.
i gotr a reply this morning.
it simply said
i wonder.
be no harm for the big companies to suffer a little.

i know a lot of people wont agree with me because of jobs etc.
these big companies have put a lot of owner drivers down and i am from a family of owner drivers.#if stobart went next.
look at the opportunities there would be for owner driverswith the extra work,
instead of some fat butted zb managing director who treats the drivers as numbers,
who has hundreds of trucks ,
driving a rolls and wouldnt do a days work in his life.
i am all for the demise of big companies.
it will never happen i know.
but it would be great to see in my eyes.
max trucks any haulage company could have.
i dont want to drive for people,but would rather have my own.

What a load of nonsense you write.

You really are a classic example of inane stupidity.


i sent them an email last night.
i asked it there was any truth in the rumour that they were gone.
i gotr a reply this morning.
it simply said
i wonder.
be no harm for the big companies to suffer a little.

i know a lot of people wont agree with me because of jobs etc.
these big companies have put a lot of owner drivers down and i am from a family of owner drivers.#if stobart went next.
look at the opportunities there would be for owner driverswith the extra work,
instead of some fat butted zb managing director who treats the drivers as numbers,
who has hundreds of trucks ,
driving a rolls and wouldnt do a days work in his life.
i am all for the demise of big companies.
it will never happen i know.
but it would be great to see in my eyes.
max trucks any haulage company could have.
i dont want to drive for people,but would rather have my own.

What a load of nonsense you write.

You really are a classic example of inane stupidity.

are you practicing your spelling or tr.ying to add a comment to the forum.
you might think it nonsense,i dont and i am allowed my opinion.
it is not inane stupidity and i am sure there are others who think the same as myself.
if all you wish to do is slag off other posters,why not take a run and jump at yourself and look in a mirror,maybe you are not too clever yourself andy.