Innovate bilsthorpe (phil hanley ) ban personaltion

just thought i would see what every thinks of this
a new office waller has baned all innovate drivers at bilsthorpe (Ex Phil Hanley ) from personalizing there cab that includes all trampers day and nights

theres to be no name plates, no cb’s , no lights , standard curtains ,

we are informed that this decision was made without ozzys knowledge

and from when the fh13 volvos came mr osborne was in encouragement for chaps to do this and keep the trucks shiney

so theres now some very (zb) of drivers
guess they dont want the trucks cleaning as well

what do you think guys

language edit mm

I’m not into all this blinging of motors, a name plate in the window suffices for me.
BUT, if the motor is driven by only one driver, and he/she does no damage to the vehicle, and adds on permanent ligts and so on with the bosses blessing, I see no harm in it, in fact, the driver will take more pride in the vehicle and keep it clean, and a clean motor looks good to a customer, isn’t it called corporate image or something?

sounds just like freightliner.

a dictatorship

About 2 weeks before I left Fowler Welch Coolchain a Memo was given to all drivers attached to the payslips stating no name plates or lights to be displayed in the Cab windows.

Is it a new enforcement Regulation out ?

Or is it the fact they dont want Long Name Plates displayed saying something like Robert Kowsleschenski with a 2 mile wire of lights to light it up? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

im agency but if the plate is banned, i dont drive for them. there are plenty of other jobs around. i havent come across it yet though. none of the boots drivers personalise their motors but they dont object to my plate :sunglasses:

im agency but if the plate is banned, i dont drive for them. there are plenty of other jobs around. i havent come across it yet though. none of the boots drivers personalise their motors but they dont object to my plate :sunglasses:

so you would knock a days work on the head at maybe a hundred and odd quid cos you cant have your name plate in the window :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

why go to the firm and when outside the yard just put your name plate in :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

just thought i would see what every thinks of this
a new office waller has baned all innovate drivers at bilsthorpe (Ex Phil Hanley ) from personalizing there cab that includes all trampers day and nights

theres to be no name plates, no cb’s , no lights , standard curtains ,

we are informed that this decision was made without ozzys knowledge

and from when the fh13 volvos came mr osborne was in encouragement for chaps to do this and keep the trucks shiney

so theres now some very (zb) of drivers
guess they dont want the trucks cleaning as well

what do you think guys

language edit mm

Oi ■■■■■ boy, am I allowed to comment!!! :wink: :wink: :smiley:

when i was at taylors of martley on the rover contract there was 3 drivers that got moved out of the way doing another job on the rover contract still for taylors, any way they were the 3 drivers that management were bit funny with, they had 3 name plates made up BAD APPLE 1, BAD APPLE 2 and BAD APPLE 3. funny as hell they were made to take em out

do it,as it is Companypolicy.
But it mayght be also Companypolicy,that the mister calls you politely “Mister”,and “Sir”,or what ever,and not Jonny,Mike,Jim,or He you

If you loss Job with doing against Companyrules may you have it hard to get a good Job the next Time

All the larger firms are at it.
RH actively encouraged it at one time-the xmas party one year had drivers given prizes of vouchers for airhorns etc…
then it got out of hand, one bloke even fitted a bullbar on his premium :laughing: :laughing: (the front nearly fell off the bag o` crap :laughing: ) so it was stopped.
All name plates to be removed, no more lights or bling
Its a no-no on stobarts but you know it from day one so no problem

All the larger firms are at it.
RH actively encouraged it at one time-the xmas party one year had drivers given prizes of vouchers for airhorns etc…
then it got out of hand, one bloke even fitted a bullbar on his premium :laughing: :laughing: (the front nearly fell off the bag o` crap :laughing: ) so it was stopped.
All name plates to be removed, no more lights or bling
Its a no-no on stobarts but you know it from day one so no problem

And Irlam…but i left this week so ■■■■

Those ‘big’ company’s don’t want truck drivers, they want steering wheel attendants, robots, drones and yes men

The trouble starts when they start to think of themselves as ‘logistic’ company’s and employ some ‘wet behind the ears’ graduate type, who thinks he/she knows it all.

personally I can’t stand logistic company’s or their idea of how ‘your’ work space should look like, there is no pride encouraged anymore and it saddens me to say that there are quite a few drivers on here who sneer at those that do like to peronalise their truck with words like ‘bling’, these are the type of ‘don’t be individual, be company lead’ divers that they want, do as you’re told ‘boy’

Davey Driver:
About 2 weeks before I left Fowler Welch Coolchain a Memo was given to all drivers attached to the payslips stating no name plates or lights to be displayed in the Cab windows.

Is it a new enforcement Regulation out

I saw VOSA telling two drivers to remove flags, nameplates and the like from their windscreen at a checkpoint a couple of weeks ago so they could well be clamping down. Quite possibly these memos are being issued by companies following advice from VOSA. Take a vehicle in for MOT with stuff stuck in the windscreen and it will be unlikely to pass.

When the German Maut came in and a mate and I had the OBU’s fitted to our vehicles, which include a permanently mounted sensor in the screen, we emailed VOSA and enquired how we would stand come MOT time. We were contacted and asked to email a photograph so they would be clear as to what we were describing. After a bit of discussion we were told that strictly speaking it should be removed but as that was impractical they would be advising the MOT stations not to fail a vehicle with a Maut sensor in the screen. Other devices, such as the Austrian Go Box or Dart Tag, which are easily removed would still need to come out otherwise the vehicle would not pass.

Those ‘big’ company’s don’t want truck drivers, they want steering wheel attendants, robots, drones and yes men

The trouble starts when they start to think of themselves as ‘logistic’ company’s and employ some ‘wet behind the ears’ graduate type, who thinks he/she knows it all.

personally I can’t stand logistic company’s or their idea of how ‘your’ work space should look like, there is no pride encouraged anymore and it saddens me to say that there are quite a few drivers on here who sneer at those that do like to peronalise their truck with words like ‘bling’, these are the type of ‘don’t be individual, be company lead’ divers that they want, do as you’re told ‘boy’

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: I wasnt sneering at anyone richie. (you got to see a “customised” Renault Premium though :open_mouth:)

Those ‘big’ company’s don’t want truck drivers, they want steering wheel attendants, robots, drones and yes men

The trouble starts when they start to think of themselves as ‘logistic’ company’s and employ some ‘wet behind the ears’ graduate type, who thinks he/she knows it all.

personally I can’t stand logistic company’s or their idea of how ‘your’ work space should look like, there is no pride encouraged anymore and it saddens me to say that there are quite a few drivers on here who sneer at those that do like to peronalise their truck with words like ‘bling’, these are the type of ‘don’t be individual, be company lead’ divers that they want, do as you’re told ‘boy’

slighty off topic but the reason i left irlam.
was some one had a bright idea to give priorty parking to planners.
leaving us drivers to park either in between trailers or were we park the units.
most of the planers on irlam are gap year students with old bangers.
but i was told by the TM not to park my £20,000 Audi TT in the planers spaces :imp: :imp: :imp:

No no JB, I didn’t actually mean you, i was refering to previous posts by certain people who think that they are above others :wink:

I have seen a few premiums with front light bars and yes you’re right, they look daft, how can someone spend good money on a ‘lorry’ like that

No no JB, I didn’t actually mean you, i was refering to previous posts by certain people who think that they are above others :wink:

I have seen a few premiums with front light bars and yes you’re right, they look daft, how can someone spend good money on a ‘lorry’ like that

BLING :stuck_out_tongue:


Large town in Brittany,Northern France…


When I was at RF Fieldings shortly before FW took them over, we were given a memo with our wage slips stating that any window personalisation or decorative items were banned under company policy and anyone found with them in would be instantly dismissed. This is because one of the drivers had flags all over the centre of his screen like you see with continental drivers and he got a DR10 from a VOSA checkpoint, the reason being obstruction of view.

In my wagon I have the Austrian GOBox, Dart Tag and the Italian Telepass all stuck on the window. I have my nameplate and two england nameplates, however all of these are at the bottom of the windscreen below what you could call the top of the dashboard line in my Volvo.

Personally I think personalisation is a great idea, encourages drivers to look after the trucks and therefore its good for the company. At the end of the day you spend more time in your cab than you do at home, so you should be able to personalise it, within reason. Also the guys in the office tend to have photos and stuff on their desks, so why cant we have stuff on our ‘desks’. I wouldnt put anything large or expensive on the outside of my truck though, only in my living space. However, I have spent a couple of quid on two new red cb aerials for the roof my truck (red is the company colour).

NB I also have some furry dice dangling from my curtain rail, also I have a Euro3 sticker for the Mont Blanc/Frejus.

I jus do not understand why you drivers need to have all that crap in the screen.

Or is it COOL ■■?