Inland rail services for trucks

There is a growing trend for inland shuttles. For example, Hupac’s service from Freiburg to Novara. Have you used such a service in the past - what did you think? Did it work for you? Should there be more like this?

I used to use that abortion of a service every 2 or 3 weeks its ok for what it is. a dried up sandwich and a bottle of water. flea ridden couchette/bed and loads of flip flop wearers.

not the best of services but handy for getting round the driving bans. and as i lived in novara also handy for getting home :smiley:

I use the frieburg-novara train occasionaly its not luxury but its handy for your drivers hours-you get 9 to 12 hours daily rest and come of the train at either end with a fresh card available to you.
I used the train from worgl in austria to trento italy a few weeks ago for the first time.your on the train for over 5 hours,only reason i used it was to get to my drop near vicenza italy within my 90 hours fortnightly driving limit otherwise would be quicker driving down austria to italy via the brenner pass.

Freiburg to Milan and Dresden to Lovosice has saved me in the past

I used to use Köln to either Freiburg or München along
with all the other points mentioned also München–Verona
Yes they are not like the shuttle , how ever it was a way
and still is of getting the driver and truck to be used legally
plus in the summer you was aloud to run to the train and did
not need a extra permit which took time and money to get,
also when we still had to use permits and the oko-points for
Austria it made a big difference at the end of the year for many
German company s and the other users of the train,