Industrial -trading Estates FACILITIES

I just read this else where and thought, do any local councils
offer the same facility in there area here in the UK
here is a translation of the local Rag

No Pete but u know that in Broken Britain its a case of ‘not in my back yard mate’. They wouldn’t dream of actually providing mere truckers with anything other than a fine!

It makes you wonder IF some industrial areas were to provide driver facilities like that how long they would last.Judging by the reports on facilities in the msa,s by drivers on this forum my quess would be not long.Thats why when i was on the road i enjoyed it more over the water than here in the uk.The problem is [as it,s always been]a minority of drivers are riuining things for everybody else by trashing or stealing from any good facilities that are opened.
regards dave. … 91812.html

They offer similar facilities too in Spain