Industrial estate fines


How can you receive a fine for stopping on a public highway in a road legal vehicle, Am I missing something

er yes you are :slight_smile: The roads on the industrial estates being talked about above are private roads, owned by whoever owns the industrial estate, that is the trick I am afraid. It’s not a fine, it’s an amount of money they are prepared to take off you to alleviate their threat to take you to court for, basically, damages because you did not stick to the contract that is probably written in tiny writing on a tiny sign at the point you leave the public highway, at which point you are deemed to have accepted the conditions of that contract. Not sure if anybody has challenged these things in court :question:

Yes Hambillion in Colchester did contest ransoms ind est In court… and lost

If a so called private est has this [zb] it can only be private if there is a barrier or some body stopping you from entering the place,if not it must be public land

No it’s private land where by vehicles may enter the said land to conduct business ie delivering and as such being open comes under the road traffic act.

Ignore them.
Got done parking on an Aldi car park about 4 months ago. Stayed over 2 hours
Got a letter from Parking eye.
Straight in the bin
Month later another letter telling me that the last time they took someone to court they won (desperation)
In the bin
nothing since
Got a parking ticket in Nottingham from the council month ago addressed to the “owner” of the vehicle.
Wrote back telling them the owner was in jail.
Letter back telling me they would not persue the claim.

Same with Blackburn council.
They wrote back asking me who the owner was I told them that I did not have to tell them as I was only the registerd keeper.

These parasites only know what you tell them.Use the system to beat the system.
My daughter was 3 minutes over time in a lidl car park and they wanted a hundred quid.
I told her to tell parking eye that I was the driver.They sent me a “summons” and guess where that went?
Every where you go now some parasite is trying to steal your hard earned money and enough is enough.

All this ■■■■■■■■ should be clamped down on and stopped, it is a bloody ridiculous situation and legal opportunist extortion

Industrial estates and trucks are synonymous with each other, it should be taken for granted that they are going to be there, and that part of the time there will be waiting time.
Robbing bastds. :smiling_imp:

This exactly. What should we do? Go and park our artics on residential streets that have no actual restrictions, and when we get questioned our answer is…sorry i have no option but to park outside your house because all the services are full by 5pm and lorries are no longer allowed to stop on industrial estates. :unamused:

The whole thing sounds like wheel clampers have upped their game in recent years.

After reading all this Bo***CKs I am glad I am over in France and very rarely do UK. We don’t have all that crap here. And for the comment regarding foreign drivers ■■■■■■■■ all over the place, we have drivers from all Europe over here and parking areas are usually clean and tidy. So maybe its the British drivers making the mess…

Tin hat on… :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

As usual its one size fits all.
Some lorryists have taken the ■■■■ and parked for hours or days on end causing a nightmare for the genuine industrial estate users.
So some industrial estates have stopped parking completely, and the genuine drivers who park reasonably, don’t sweep their bulkers out onto the road nor crap indiscriminately over the pathways or chuck their rubbish and tizer bottles onto the verge get hit with the same stick that the other sort deserved.

This is the problem with one size fits all solutions.

However stopping parking does have benefits so i can see the industrial site’s side too, no mess of any sort to clear up, and no chicanes to work through caused by indiscriminate parking…which are a nightmare to negotiate at shift change times when 500 cars and assorted motorbikes bicycles and pedestrians arrive and leave over the period of an hour several times a day, so its safer for everyone, which is a large incentive these days when a minor accident causing £300 worth of paint damage can result in £10k insurance claims by the time the sharks have finished.

We’re all suffering for low lifes in everything we do and what we once took for granted, and it’s only going to get worse as the country fills up to standing room only, so get used to it.

Its a problem thats been happening for some years. Trouble is Drivers and Bosss have pretty much fetched it on themselves,simply because Drivers dont carry enough money on them to pay for parking or their Boss won`t pay out forTruckstop parking,or Drivers pulling into Truckstops have a shower and gone onto some trading estate,leaving rubbish and "urine bottles"behind when they leave. You only have to look at how many Truckstops have been and gone or taken over for regular money from trailer parking /change overs by the likes European Companies

They are not fines, but speculative invoices.
However do not ignore them, but most of the time they can be beaten, because very few of the companies issuing them are litigious enough to take you to court, the major exception is parking eye.
They have up to 6yrs to begin legal proceedings, so throwing the paperwork in the bin is a mistake

I go a lot to greenford estate Uxbridge ub68uj is a gated off estate with barriers security etc.
All roads in estate are double yellow . Loading area place i deliver to is usually full of white vans collecting and is also a car park for warehouse staff not a lot of room. If I so much as get out or have to wait . For vans to move security pounce on me. Never been given a ticket but always go on one at me for daring to stop. Once said I’m delivering here loading bay is taken. What I meant to do. His response drive around the block to he has gone.

The way to beat all these companies such as parking eye etc is to either cover your front number plate before you enter or remove your trailer number plate or cover the rear plate before you leave.
They need both to “prove” you overstayed your time by photographing the vehicle number entering and leaving the site.
If your in a car just open the boot as you leave but stop at the camera and give em the finger.

Double yellow lines have no legal significance on private land. They can be considered as advisory only

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All these industrial areas don not have a leg to stand on in court, they would get thrown out, or should do if the magistrate actually knows anything about the law. The signs are there for people to read, to do so you have to stop, the ones a Liverpool Airport are totally and utterly pointless, the area is covered by a local bylaw. If anybody wants any decent info go on f/b and join fight my private parking invoice
I am not an admin or have anything to do with that page but the information is excellent.

I wonder how long this would go on if transport company’s started saying …
Sorry we cannot deliver to that address with the restrictions in place. :wink:

Dodgy Permit:
I wonder how long this would go on if transport company’s started saying …
Sorry we cannot deliver to that address with the restrictions in place. :wink:

they would pick the phone up call xyz transport,(or eddie :wink: ) and they would do it, and for10% less.

Marchwood near Southampton unless things have changed - me and another guy were taking a 45 between drops on the place - stroppy bint in a van appeared and in an abusive message sprinkled with four letter words told us that no stopping was allowed under any circumstances - in future we had to get off site for breaks etc.

B&M at Speke is another place where the security patrol with camera vans

B&M at Speke is another place where the security patrol with camera vans

.i know have seen.them. What annoys me on that estate .Once off the main road up the middle. There’s more than enough room for us to park with out causing an obstruction to anyone.

I’ve countless places where wagons park where they want don’t care. Not a traffic /security bloke to be seen.

Ignore them.
Got done parking on an Aldi car park about 4 months ago. Stayed over 2 hours
Got a letter from Parking eye.
Straight in the bin
Month later another letter telling me that the last time they took someone to court they won (desperation)
In the bin
nothing since
Got a parking ticket in Nottingham from the council month ago addressed to the “owner” of the vehicle.
Wrote back telling them the owner was in jail.
Letter back telling me they would not persue the claim.

Same with Blackburn council.
They wrote back asking me who the owner was I told them that I did not have to tell them as I was only the registerd keeper.

These parasites only know what you tell them.Use the system to beat the system.
My daughter was 3 minutes over time in a lidl car park and they wanted a hundred quid.
I told her to tell parking eye that I was the driver.They sent me a “summons” and guess where that went?
Every where you go now some parasite is trying to steal your hard earned money and enough is enough.

You sir are my hero.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

Jonbones 89 .Thankyou very much sir but I am no hero.
I just hate the thought of these blood suckers pulling a hundred quid from someone who may well not even earn a hundred for a full days work.
Another thing Ive noticed with these companies is that their video recorder boxes under the cameras have very large and expensive pad locks on them.
Just in case anybody missed it Aldi are selling super glue at bargain prices .
TOOO good to miss.