India Crash

Crazy petrol tanker crash at 5.58 minutes, top marks for doing teh world on c90 though … &Itemid=18

Enjoyed that vid, the whole lot. And the website.

Thanks for sharing.

I’d have thought a walk to see if the driver needed any help might have been the humane thing to do, even if he did deserve to flip it through terrible driving!!


I’d have thought Get as far away as possible and summons help!

No way would I be going near it.

yeah bit with the machine guns is mad, cambodia

Can’t say it’s going to push India up my “places to visit” list! :open_mouth:

I thought Egypt was bad with everyone driving with tiny side lights or no lights, beeping every time they move their hands near the steering wheel, and of course having hawkers approach you all the time if you so much as catch their eye… I was once offered the head of a donkey over and over like that guy offering the whip for sale in the vid (Luxor Souq)… WTF was I going to do with a dead donkey’s head FFS? :open_mouth: I would have been less surprised to have been offered a mummy’s head - but oddly, the locals don’t actually like to proximate themselves with their ancestor’s bodies for some taboo reason presumably… :confused: