Increase in european removal work?

so with this country going down the pan and the final nail being put in the british transport industry coffin just wondered if the euro removal boys have seen in increase in work with everybody moving out from this once great country!

nobody seems to be moving anywhere at the moment :cry:

Yeah have to agree with Mr Shifter its dead at the momment!

Although the cowboys will be moving 3 bed houses for about 250/300 quid.

Got 1 job for France later this month and 1 for Italy hopefully in May but
nothing else for Europe at the momment.

I would echo the sentiments of the 2 posters above. The general housing market is dead but hopefully the downturn in the market will root out all of the cowboys that work for peanuts and make everyones life better when it turns.

With regard to Euro work, we are quite busy with it at the moment, which is good as the domestic side is dead. Swiss, France and Denmark for some reason is still strong, whereas with Spain we are moving more people back than actually out there. We had a truck deliver a job in Moraira this week, the first to actually deliver instead of reload out of Spain. That said, we still reloaded 2 jobs and bought them back. :open_mouth:

I know firms are a bit quite at the moment , but we are quite busy, Just got back from Stockholm, Kobehavn, and Germany, off to france and Spain Monday, We also had two other trucks out last week. I am out nearly every week, and we don;t work for nothing, i would say France and Spain are a little slow though. When people can sell there house;s they will be on there toe;s again, The pound aginst the euro is also a factor