Incorrect info on tacho display?

Don’t normally like to cut it this fine but there was nowhere to park, everywhere full. Finally pulled in and when the wheels stopped rolling it said on the head unit I had 1 minute left on my 4 and a half hours. Thought nice one I’ve just done it. Did a print out to check and it shows I’ve done 4 hours 31 minutes.

I know it’s not the crime of the century or anything but why would the head unit say 1 minute available still then when the wheels haven’t moved another inch it says 4 hours 31 done?

Whilst cutting as fine as down to your last minute isn’t best practise it is still legal. Surely as drivers we can only be expected to go off what the display is telling us?

If you get done for bejng a minute over hang up your keys and try another so called proffession. This is beyond a joke what people are bothered about.

1 minute. 1 hour. Just ram in your reasons for it. Never mind what computer says.

When the gods read this, they will demand your children are sold into ■■■ slavery, your pet dog is sacrificed, and you walk the walk of shame towards DVSA, and admit your wrong doing…

Or you could just carry on and not give a fooik.

No I’m not bothered about getting done for it. Like you say if I did then what’s the bloody point?

I’m asking why the tacho display would say 4 hours 29 yet on the print out it says 4 hours 31 even though the wheels didn’t move an inch between the head unit displaying that and me doing the print out. Just seeing if this has happened to anyone else.

No idea.

I watched a video on youtube from a driver. He stopped for night at services 20 mins shy because he was going to go 10 minutes past his driving time to next services. He then had the cheek to moan the next day because he had to stop for a 45 4 hours 30 mins into his run home. Guess how far he was from home?

15 mins.

If that was me idve pegged on and got home in my 4 hours 30 next day.

Take a picture…

Of the display next time.

When you stop the vehicle it will take a minute to process how much driving time has been done, that’s why when you stop you should wait a minute to see if the driving time clicks over another minute.

You’re not the first driver to get caught out like this and probably won’t be the last :wink:

But 2 minutes difference??

Surely considering that DVSA can and fine you for 1 minute then a 2 minute difference is an unacceptable tolerance?

Some tachos don’t update every minute and some dont even update every 2 mins, so thats prob why.

As for effects…if you believe our lot, being sold into slavery is only the start! Get deported to London to be the ■■■ slave of Ann Widdacombe MP for less than 3 minutes or Diane Abbott for a more serious offence. :open_mouth: (Applies to all genders).

DickyNick - DVSA dont fine you for under 15 minutes according to their enforcement sheet although if you do it a lot they might not be so kind.

Some tachos don’t update every minute and some dont even update every 2 mins, so thats prob why.

As for effects…if you believe our lot, being sold into slavery is only the start! Get deported to London to be the ■■■ slave of Ann Widdacombe MP for less than 3 minutes or Diane Abbott for a more serious offence. :open_mouth: (Applies to all genders).

DickyNick - DVSA dont fine you for under 15 minutes according to their enforcement sheet although if you do it a lot they might not be so kind.

I don’t do it a lot. I’ve had 2 infringements in about 18 months. This one being 1 minute over drive time, another one being 3 minutes over drive time, and then one before that 18 months ago was 5 hours over working time due to a closed M6. So if they checked my card I think they can clearly see I don’t take the ■■■■.

Like I said, I’m not concerned about a fine for myself. My question is more target towards why I had the 2 different readings.

This sort of issue was very common with earlier digital tachos. With these, the rule is that any individual minute is counted as driving if the wheels turn at all at any point during that minute. In addition, an individual minute will also be counted as driving time if the wheels turned during both the minute immediately before and the one immediately after - so it’s quite possible for the vehicle to be stationary for almost three minutes and yet the driving time will increase by three minutes.

Was it an older tacho?

This sort of issue was very common with earlier digital tachos. With these, the rule is that any individual minute is counted as driving if the wheels turn at all at any point during that minute. In addition, an individual minute will also be counted as driving time if the wheels turned during both the minute immediately before and the one immediately after - so it’s quite possible for the vehicle to be stationary for almost three minutes and yet the driving time will increase by three minutes.

Was it an older tacho?

The unit was a 17 plate so no