
Those who read my post yesterday, this is a follow up.Just a recap. The engine went sick, and I think its terminal. Now as I write this I am still waiting for my boss to arrange recovery. thats from 1831 on sunday, when it all started, to now which is 15.16 on the monday.Iv heard absolutely nothing. I mean is a broken down HGV easily forgotten?? I handed my notice in three weeks ago, am I being paranoid?

No mate, they’ve deffo got it in for you.

I’d be on the train home by now :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

if you handed your notice in, then what are you waiting for ? get on the next bus/train home

Are you in the UK?

If you are getting paid keep mouth shut,then when they turn up at 10 tonight tell them you are on 11 off and to come back at 7 in morning.

Where are you? as has been said, start looking for a timetable.

If you are getting paid keep mouth shut,then when they turn up at 10 tonight tell them you are on 11 off and to come back at 7 in morning.

^^ This

i think as long as your getting paid sit tight, unless you are short of food and toilet facilities. then i would be on my way home.

Thanks for the replies guys. An update, is that at 1628 they turned up with another unit- the imcumbent driver is ill appar - judging by the smokey smell that may be the best place for him. That must be some sort of record… especially since I was in Grantham, and the yard is in Worcestershire.