In to the Unknown

Over the Last few weeks i have been thinking of leaving my job.
Its a full time job but im taking the risk and joining a agency.
I need a sleep pattern.Currently im a night driver,some nights Start at 9,10 midnight,2am and it just messes you up.Ive had words with my planner and to be told that 'we have to give agencys the early starts’To keep them and whats left over is given to company staff is just a joke!!

Aren’t you jumping out the frying pan into the fire?
You’ll end up with stupid shift patterns on the agency and be told that the companies only give the agency those shifts as their own drivers won’t do them.
The grass isn’t always greener but good luck for the new job.

I know a few people who left our place and done it . They love it . Less hours more money . They’ve all found long term work . Seems lately the wages on agency have shot up . If it doesn’t work out . Then get back on full time , seems to be plenty of work

The agency isn’t for you if like routine, only a small minority get a cushy long term role with the same firm. I need a routine, some blokes can just go at the drop of a hat no matter what the clock says, I could do it when I was 22, not 38.