I cannot believe what I’ve just seen.
This is a true story and is not RDC gossip.
I’ve just over taken 2 (yes2) tippers that were doing 50mph what’s even more shocking, neither of the drivers were wearing hi-vis vests, neither of them were displaying flashing beacons and they were both wearing seat belts.
What has this industry created if this is how drivers are now acting.
Sent from Platform 9 3/4
Mechanics testing them. OR, hourly paid drivers.
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.
(but sometimes the funniest too!)
They were heading for the docks to be exported.
I’m calling ■■■■■■■■. Pictures or it didn’t happen. Any company names on the trucks?
I struggled to overtake a maritime the other day, I think my lorries broken.
Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
No pictures. Sorry, was being a law abiding driver. Didn’t bother getting the name of the trucks as me hands were full with a cuppa and a pastie and using me eldows on the remote changing the tv channel and steering with me knees.
Sent from Platform 9 3/4
It’s got to be Police tippers then. Perhaps they realised running an eight legger instead of a unit is better as they can put the doughnuts and miscreants in the back under the easy sheet