In cab height indicator


and it must show the correct height or it could cost you 30 quid

Ok what if it reads a couple of inches over the actual height?

A driving school I know do that to ensure their artics don’t go on a certain test route!
I guess it would depend on how pedantic the bloke checking it was being. A couple of inches OVER would likely be within the realms of discretion.

Harry Monk:
In a rigid-bodied vehicle, the height marked on the dashboard with Tippex or a permanent marker would probably be reasonable, in an articulated vehicle where you frequently tow trailers of differing heights it probably wouldn’t be, although this is one of those laws which is never enforced until the day you have a height-related collision.

We tried that and heavy duty wipes just removed them; sticky labels just peeled off. In the end we had to get embossed notices which were glued on

Most of our trailers are 14’3" I always run my height at 14’6" even on the sat nav I’ve it set for 14’6"

Hi i somtimes pull double deck trailers which are around 15 foot eight compant policy is to show sixteenfoot on hight indicators
BUT…!!! this does not garentee no bridge strikes when use of common sense and the mk1 eyeball are not used in favor of the its never wrong sat nav

It can’t be in metric only - either feet/inches or feet/inches and metric.If you change between trailers and the difference in the heights doesn’t exceed 150mm then you can standardise on the highest dimension.


Personally I think it should be imperial + metric all the time. All petrol stations have heights in metric, and all the trucks that can hit them have heights in imperial!