In cab Dancing

Had in cab ■■■■■■■… Had in cab exercises…so what about in cab dancing. :open_mouth: check this out.

Already been done mate…

By this muppet…

or you could go for the “Out of the Cab Experience”

I nearly crashed last night doing the YMCA. It was probably not a good idea to do it on a bendy bit of road.

Where was the thread on in-cab exercises, must have missed that one. As a fitness nut I can offer a few recommendations for exercises. My favourite at the moment (this can be done on any chair, eg in the office, so it’s not restricted to the cab) is shuffling forward in the seat so you’re on the edge of the seat, grip the steering wheel, and basically move your legs up and down as if you were marching on the spot. This is great for the abs and the thighs, try it for a minute and I guarantee you’ll be starting to sweat.