in cab cooking

Whats the strangest meals you have ever cooked. At the moment making meatballs in curry sauce with pasta

Use the force it might taste great!!

Whats the strangest meals you have ever cooked. At the moment making meatballs in curry sauce with pasta

Sounds similar to my supper last night but subbed the pasta for tinned Bombay potatoes, seemed a good idea at the time :open_mouth: had the window open most of today :sunglasses:

Tin of soup and a tin of corned beef chucked in it to "beef " it up a bit.

We aren’t allowed to used gas cookers in the cabs at our place after some muppet decided to spray dash cleaner near his stove while boiling the kettle!!! FIRE!!!

:laughing: :laughing:

I don’t have many nights out now but when I was on 5 a week I used to make spag bol but use tuna instead of mince, sounds rank now but I used to remember it being quite tasty :laughing:

I used to use a little camping gas stove (bottle and ring thing)and a square mess tin.
So everything went in
I used to buy a rake of tins and just chuck it in and heat up.
Mince, Potatoes and peas used to be a favorite

We aren’t allowed to used gas cookers in the cabs at our place after some muppet decided to spray dash cleaner near his stove while boiling the kettle!!! FIRE!!!

How do they expect you to eat then?

Fresh salmon fillet in butter and thyme, wrapped in lots of silver foil wedged under the heat shield on the exhaust stack, and a tin of new potatoes pierced also on the exhaust, took about 25 mins on a motorway to cook to perfection.
The missus prepared it and it was in the fridge until it was " cooked ".

Was on my way to a tesco (yes I know) because I knew I had a few nights out ahead. Sod’s law I broke down in the middle of no where and has to wait 6 hours for a fitter.

Only food I had was a cheese string and loaf of bread, it was a grim day.

tasted pretty good. added some extra hot sauce gave it some kick.

It was folklore on the M/E runs, but anyone with a trailer box will have played tin can lottery at some point.

The roadspray and constant moving around would wear the ink off the labels or they would come off completely.

For this reason I always kept rice pudding or custard in the cab, a tin of pears or peaches is ok in camion stew, but anything milk based is just rank and the rules of the game mean that if you open the tin, it has to go in the pot.

I buy rotisserie chickens a fair bit now, a nice hot chicken sarnie at lunchtime, then pull it apart and add a jar of curry sauce, some of Uncle Ben’s finest, shove it in the microwave and the evening meal is sorted too.

Sriracha sauce livens up even the mildest curry sauces to ■■■■ head after pub vindaloo strength, it’s good on hot dogs and cheese sarnies too if you like things spicy.

People who not aloud to cook in the cab just cook it on the catwalk job sorted,

Mines gotta be steak with a bit of Kerry good on top, and them potatoes you get that got the herbed butter spot on :slight_smile: washed down with a Bottle of Magners :slight_smile:

Last night I had uncle bens rice with some snack pot baked beans, got nothing in the fridge apart from cheese and ham, so had to make do with some emergency food lol.

People who not aloud to cook in the cab just cook it on the catwalk job sorted,

Mines gotta be steak with a bit of Kerry good on top, and them potatoes you get that got the herbed butter spot on :slight_smile: washed down with a Bottle of Magners :slight_smile:

32 years including long haul international work (away up to 3 months at a time) never cooked in the cab yet.
Whilst working abroad most of the lads had a golden rule of no gas in the cab!
Catwalk,in the trailer or trailer side box yes, in cab (whatever the weather) no!

I make coffee in cab (electric kettle) & sandwiches & salads but nothing else. Anyway I work & sleep in it I don’t want to cook & eat in it too…