The Campaign “Enough” is “Enough” is all set for go on the 4th July
The aim of the campaign is to open the lines of communication and get somebody to listen to us the “Truckers”
It is important that as many letters as possible are sent out to MPs on the same day Monday 4th July. This will hopefully get people talking and as more MPs say “have you seen this letter” so it will get the attention required.
This first one is for you to copy and paste into your word system and then alter as required (Red) you may with pleasure add your own comments and alter as required, and send to your MP on the 4th July
Comments on it please
Your MPs Address can be found here
The Letter
If you prefer me to receive the replies direct, then contact me for the address, so you can add it to the letter.
If replies are sent on to me, I will put them all on line for reading.
This second letter is the one I will be sending to the party leaders and their respective Transport Ministers.
It is a draft and will be completed following on from your comments in this thread. which is the reason for putting it on here for you to make any suggestions and comments.
Letters are also being sent to the Media, MSAs, RHA, FTA.
Your comments on our letters are important and only as a united front will we ever get the chance to be listened to.
It is not too late to sign the campaign at
Thanks to all for supporting this and lets hope the outcome will bring about somebody listening to Professional Truckers.
Could I at this time point out due to comments.
I am not a “Glory Hunter” or after an “Ego Boost” I am not a Representative of Drivers or a Union Leader.
I am trying to Unite drivers and co-ordinate lines of communication, working on drivers comments.
As expressed earlier and in the Party leaders Letters, I will be hoping to make up a team of drivers, possibly 2 from TRuckNetUk, 2 from Onlinetruckers, and 2 from Truckersworld, to attend any meetings that are made possible from this campaign.
I am only a Trucker, who spends a lot of time effort and money in trying to help better our futures.
So if anyone wishes to criticise my actions, please do so on these threads, so I can answer the criticism in full.
Criticism is always welcome and is the only way I can improve.
Rant over
Thank you