Might be time to support your local British Freedom Fighter or just leave it to a Military Coup we have as a working man no say what so ever in how our country is run.
Would…Will?..UKIP be any different in this very undemocratic ‘democratic’ country.The Peasants Revolt and we are the Peasants.And I am quite sure everyone believes
our elected representatives are worth a 11% increase,does that not show the utter contempt for the public these cretins actually have.Will the British ever waken up■■?
Yes we do have a say, the vote, but if people continue lemming like to vote for the three stooges who, whilst lining their own pockets nicely, have led us into the toilet, then more of the same will follow as night follows day.
Possibly a better definition of lunacy one could not imagine, they’ve led us to the sewer for the past 30 years as they systematically sold the nations silver to subsidise the great experiment, and people still wish to vote the cabal of traitors back in…‘‘oh they’ll be better this time, cons are better than lab blah blah’’…in reality there isn’t a ■■■ paper between them but people soak up propaganda like sponges.
We’ll have another liblabcon govt next time and shocking though it may seem we’ll carry on down the same road, more integration with the EU, more lies and millions more immigrants, more houses desperately needed to house them, more lucrative wars and American desired regime changes in the middle east, more £billions borrowed in our childrens name to bribe foreign oil rich and nuclear power nations, you really couldn’t make it up.
Would UKIP be any better, an excellent question, who knows?
What we do know is that the present liblabcon party will continue down the same road, they’ll all talk the right talk as the election approaches…re-negotiate our EU membership (as if thats even remotely genuinly possible)…deal with immigration (massage the figures)…fix the economy (borrow even more that the constantly increasing present)
No i don’t suppose Farage wears his underpants on the outside either, but for 30 years of both indeed all three factions of the one party state that is liblabcon have led us to where we are now, Farage and his mob at least make their intentions clear, they intend to remove us from the EU politically and to recommence worldwide trading independantly, just as we did for thousands of years before the EUSSR became our master.
Yes i think the British have started to waken up, millions of us now no longer get our news from the state broadcaster or the newspaper/independant (read highly profit motivated cabal) television media, we find out via the web news with a different slant and with different motivation behind it and those us still capable of independant thought are better able to take a balanced view, we no longer believe what we are told by the state.
Its extremely liberating.
The recent murder of Lee Rigby (please God may that poor chap rest in peace) shocked the nation, the brutal reality of how cheap normal peoples lives are in the eyes of those who lead us was piped into our homes before the media could soften the impact and come up with the right censored version for public consumption…it showed the truth that our leaders have allowed indeed encouraged mindless savages to walk our streets.
Indeed it can’t have escaped many that there was more furore in the press in the following days and weeks and far more police action over the EDL having the temerity to protest…there can be few people who haven’t at last started to see through it all.
Will any of it make a difference?, no not a jot, the indoctrinated British public will do as they are told again and vote the same bunch of dishonourable liars theives traitors and con men (with few honourable exceptions) back in again for more of the same, lessons have been learned things will be different next time ho ho ho…again the electorate will get the govt they deserve, and on it goes.