Immigrants discovered in tanker at Dover

Heard a news report earlier today stating that a large number of illegal immigrants had been discovered hidden onboard a tanker at (iirc) Dover. Apparently 2 were taken to hospital and the tankers 2 drivers were both arrested.

I have given some thought to this and I confess to being puzzled by a number of things (no change there then!)

A while ago someone was complaining about immigrants receiving benefits, and I think it may have been Orys who stated that it was extremely difficult for EU national to claim benefits here, never mind non EU, which would maybe rule out illegals coming here to milk the benefit system. It also seems that the days of receiving a 6 bedroomed mansion are over (if the press is to be believed), so what I’m curious about is why someone would cross half a world to come to what is essentially an overcrowded, drab, little Island in the North Sea.

If the illegals are coming from Africa then statistically they’ll be French speakers, so do many settle in France, or do we bear the brunt of it?

I’m not particularly interested in the rights and wrongs of it, I’m more interested to learn the mindset of an illegal, particularly WHY Britain? Is it a perception that we are a fair and just people as a rule? Is it a perception that if you work hard you will make your fortune here :question: . Or is it we are seen as a soft touch still? (I’d like to add that I personally think the days of us being a soft touch are over btw).

Your thoughts please…

I think that if they successfully gain entry into the UK, they are probably able to move into the black market economy.

I’m not sure about the benefits and housing ‘rights’, there seems to be a lot of misinformation about, mostly gleaned from the redtops.

France, AIUI, does have an immigration problem, so it probably depends partially where they have connections of if they are from the old French W Africa or one of the old UK countries.

From their perspective, life must be pretty carp, if hanging around in squalor in Calais and then stuffing yourself in a powder tanker is the better option.

Having said that, my sympathies are entirely with the haulier and drivers ( presuming they are innocent, usually are), who now have to sort out the mess, try and prove they had taken appropriate steps to stop access to the trailer, potentially pay a heavy fine, deal with the insurance as the load will probably have to be destroyed(?) and generally get messed around for a few days now and maybe more later if there are any court proceedings to attend.

Britain is seemingly known as a soft touch on immigration.
Years back, when the Bulgarians and Romanians were looking at joining the EU, it was decided that they wouldn’t be able to get benefits if they came over (that was the main headline story).
However, it subsequently came out that if they were self employed, they could get benefits.
Ok, so they may have a business. Car washing springs to mind.
However again, it’s since been found that being a Big Issue seller counts as self employment.
There are apparently (source, mail online) immigrants living in London, on a central reservation (IIRR), not to mention those being ‘put up’ in sheds in back gardens.
Plenty of stories about, but its a complicated issue.

They may be paying a human trafficker to come here and he would not be telling them that the benefits have changed

■■■■■ should be shot!

I was speaking to a woman today who knows someone in the local housing department (MMTM, but she’s trustworthy) - apparently immigrants are at the top of the housing list here, and walking in my area (council estate) there are a lot of people from Eastern Europe, Africa and other places. They all have been given council houses.

I think unless people have been paying tax for a number of years they should not have access to such benefits.

On leaving the Navy and despite giving 27 years of tax paying duty to Queen and Country, I wasn’t at the top of the list, or even second or third :angry: :angry: .

I was in Turkey last year when chatting to the Turkish barman he asked what we did for a living …My missus said she works in housing - rent arrears collection & rental management for a housing provider. He was shocked…even though he’s been to England & has spent many years ‘mixing’ with UK holidaymakers he was under the impression that council housing was ‘free’ in the UK. My missus had to explain situation to him - he was surprised by the comments about ‘even if you are entitled to & get housing benefit…you are still personally responsible for payment of YOUR rent, if you don’t meet your obligations you risk eviction’. Mind you it ain’t just Turkish barmen that are confused by this concept - she has to give same explanation to benefits scroungers on a weekly basis when their rent arrears reach £400+ (very common occurrence).

The bought and paid for media and Cast Iron Dave might spout lyrical about beefing up benefit entitlements and the borders, but its all talk in response to the huge increase in support of UKIP*, they are spinning their tough stance to try to stem the flow of support.

In reality they are still coming in they are still getting benefits and they are still here, legal and illegal, and it isn’t going to stop whilst Eton toffs and wet liberal lefties are in charge, for these immigrants don’t end up in the champagne socialist republic of Islington and they’re definately not to be found in Wokinghams walled secured estates or the villages of the heart of England where the toffs live.

*Has anyone noticed how since the furore over UKIP gains in the local council elections that we haven’t seen or heard anything about UKIP unless its something to beat them with, total silence they are being collectively starved of media in my opinion, the powers that be probably assume that the brainwashed tv addicted nation wil forget all about them after a few nights on the ■■■■ and weed and blanket coverage ofJeremy Kyles low lifes and big brothers all night dance factor, they could well be right.

The UKIP leader gave an interview on BBC news on Sunday morning , the trouble is talks cheap .

I dont understand what is wrong with opening the lids for a few minutes then closing them and turning the tanks around back to France

Only the uk could start a serious chemical decontamination unit for maze powder. Herd about it this morning on my way to Calais and reports saying no disruption to service! 6 hours from entering Calais to dover! Only here, why they can not just turn the truck around and let the French proces them? Oh yes because the French would just drop them at the Belgium border!

The UKIP leader gave an interview on BBC news on Sunday morning , the trouble is talks cheap .

The only sensible thing I have heard him say is that Andy Murray should not get a knighthood! :wink:

EU Migrants would not bother getting a lift to Britain in a tanker, they would come by car or coach :stuck_out_tongue:

I was speaking to a woman today who knows someone in the local housing department (MMTM, but she’s trustworthy) - apparently immigrants are at the top of the housing list here, and walking in my area (council estate) there are a lot of people from Eastern Europe, Africa and other places. They all have been given council houses.

I think unless people have been paying tax for a number of years they should not have access to such benefits.

There was a documentary on tv, it was over a year ago now, so i can’t remember which one, it may have been panorama, or dispatches ,
But it showed asylum seekers /immigrants jumping the housing que’s and being given new just finished houses, and they also got furniture too, and i’m talking leather couches and big tv sets,

They always have got priority, them must compete with all those jobless lambrini girls who don’t do work, as they are too busy being mothers and getting ■■■■■■ in an afternoon, The rest of us have no chance of getting social housing any time soon, unless they offer something in a dodgy area thats not much better than a slum

The french don’t exactly discourage the imigrants do they, probbably content that they are making for blighty ,A lot of the migrant workers who have remained here are claiming benefits now ,for both themselves and their families that are still in the own counties, how does that work? we are and always will be a soft target untill one of those policitians grows a pair

Might be time to support your local British Freedom Fighter or just leave it to a Military Coup we have as a working man no say what so ever in how our country is run.
Would…Will?..UKIP be any different in this very undemocratic ‘democratic’ country.The Peasants Revolt and we are the Peasants.And I am quite sure everyone believes
our elected representatives are worth a 11% increase,does that not show the utter contempt for the public these cretins actually have.Will the British ever waken up■■?

Might be time to support your local British Freedom Fighter or just leave it to a Military Coup we have as a working man no say what so ever in how our country is run.
Would…Will?..UKIP be any different in this very undemocratic ‘democratic’ country.The Peasants Revolt and we are the Peasants.And I am quite sure everyone believes
our elected representatives are worth a 11% increase,does that not show the utter contempt for the public these cretins actually have.Will the British ever waken up■■?

Yes we do have a say, the vote, but if people continue lemming like to vote for the three stooges who, whilst lining their own pockets nicely, have led us into the toilet, then more of the same will follow as night follows day.

Possibly a better definition of lunacy one could not imagine, they’ve led us to the sewer for the past 30 years as they systematically sold the nations silver to subsidise the great experiment, and people still wish to vote the cabal of traitors back in…‘‘oh they’ll be better this time, cons are better than lab blah blah’’…in reality there isn’t a ■■■ paper between them but people soak up propaganda like sponges.

We’ll have another liblabcon govt next time and shocking though it may seem we’ll carry on down the same road, more integration with the EU, more lies and millions more immigrants, more houses desperately needed to house them, more lucrative wars and American desired regime changes in the middle east, more £billions borrowed in our childrens name to bribe foreign oil rich and nuclear power nations, you really couldn’t make it up.

Would UKIP be any better, an excellent question, who knows?

What we do know is that the present liblabcon party will continue down the same road, they’ll all talk the right talk as the election approaches…re-negotiate our EU membership (as if thats even remotely genuinly possible)…deal with immigration (massage the figures)…fix the economy (borrow even more that the constantly increasing present)

No i don’t suppose Farage wears his underpants on the outside either, but for 30 years of both indeed all three factions of the one party state that is liblabcon have led us to where we are now, Farage and his mob at least make their intentions clear, they intend to remove us from the EU politically and to recommence worldwide trading independantly, just as we did for thousands of years before the EUSSR became our master.

Yes i think the British have started to waken up, millions of us now no longer get our news from the state broadcaster or the newspaper/independant (read highly profit motivated cabal) television media, we find out via the web news with a different slant and with different motivation behind it and those us still capable of independant thought are better able to take a balanced view, we no longer believe what we are told by the state.

Its extremely liberating.

The recent murder of Lee Rigby (please God may that poor chap rest in peace) shocked the nation, the brutal reality of how cheap normal peoples lives are in the eyes of those who lead us was piped into our homes before the media could soften the impact and come up with the right censored version for public consumption…it showed the truth that our leaders have allowed indeed encouraged mindless savages to walk our streets.

Indeed it can’t have escaped many that there was more furore in the press in the following days and weeks and far more police action over the EDL having the temerity to protest…there can be few people who haven’t at last started to see through it all.

Will any of it make a difference?, no not a jot, the indoctrinated British public will do as they are told again and vote the same bunch of dishonourable liars theives traitors and con men (with few honourable exceptions) back in again for more of the same, lessons have been learned things will be different next time ho ho ho…again the electorate will get the govt they deserve, and on it goes.

Juddian,if ‘Farage and his mob’ are successful at the Euro elections as is likely why would they be willing to get there snouts out of the Euro trough and take on
the basket case that is Britain today, a massive pay cut to do their civic duty…don’t think so.

Juddian,if ‘Farage and his mob’ are successful at the Euro elections as is likely why would they be willing to get there snouts out of the Euro trough and take on
the basket case that is Britain today, a massive pay cut to do their civic duty…don’t think so.

Could it be the case that Farage is one of those rare things, a man who speaks the truth, a man of honour?

No i can’t answer that one either, but i hope for our sakes that someone with honour appears before its too late.

What i do know is that the other three parties have proved themselves without fail to be led by the dishonourable and untrustworthy, from illegal WMD wars to cast Iron Guarantees not worth diddly to lies over tuition fees they have proved themselves unworthy in the last 10 years alone.

The country is at a precipice, ‘‘none of the above’’ will no longer do when we vote, the status quo have got us nowhere other than to destroy and effecitively bankrupt our once decent country from within.

We have to try another way, i see no-one riding in on a white charger, electing a new front man for one of the three stooge parties is simply rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

I’m not all that bothered to be honest the country is knackered anyway and whoever takes over who wants to reverse decline will be doing so for a generation or more, those making a killing out of the present road we travel will not allow such a thing anyway.

If UKIP show themselves to be still increasing dramatically in support despite the media blanking and three party propaganda then i suspect the dirty tricks depts to be called in to deal with the threat, jackboots will yet crunch on the gravel.

Reap what you vote for folks.