I'm not insured

I’ve just used the askMID website to see if I’m insured and I’m not.

I’ve just renewed it so I’m well cheesed off and worried sick if I
get pulled by number plate recognition.

PS - is your car and truck insured ?

Check if you’re insured - Click Here.[/b]

takes about seven days for your renewal too be uploaded onto the insurance database but i wouldnt worry about being stopped as the copper can call the insurance company too find out if you are insured or not

takes about seven days for your renewal too be uploaded onto the insurance database but i wouldnt worry about being stopped as the copper can call the insurance company too find out if you are insured or not



Well I hope the Copper has more luck than me if he phones the insurance company.

It cost me 12 quid on their poxy 0844 number yesterday at 25p per minute.



takes about seven days for your renewal too be uploaded onto the insurance database but i wouldnt worry about being stopped as the copper can call the insurance company too find out if you are insured or not



Well I hope the Copper has more luck than me if he phones the insurance company.

It cost me 12 quid on their poxy 0844 number yesterday at 25p per minute.


oh he will have way more luck than you and it wont even cost him a penny too find out.

As long as you can prove they’ve taken money from your account your ok… I always carry the insurance doc around with me for a week or so after I’ve just re insured.

I’m in the awkward position of having a new to me car, using the free 7 day insurance and having just transferred the old cars insurance over to the new one…
Doesn’t help I’ve moved either…

As long as you can prove they’ve taken money from your account your ok… I always carry the insurance doc around with me for a week or so after I’ve just re insured.

They’ve not taken the money yet and the insurance ran out at 2359 last night.

It cost me 12 quid on their poxy 0844 number yesterday at 25p per minute.

Google “say no to 0870”

If I ever have to call a company using premium rate numbers I’ll get a landline number from that site even if it isn’t the right department and ask them to transfer my call.

I don’t see why I should pay to call someone I’m already a customer of. Even more so if its because they’ve made a mistake.


It cost me 12 quid on their poxy 0844 number yesterday at 25p per minute.

Google “say no to 0870”

If I ever have to call a company using premium rate numbers I’ll get a landline number from that site even if it isn’t the right department and ask them to transfer my call.

I don’t see why I should pay to call someone I’m already a customer of. Even more so if its because they’ve made a mistake.


I’ll make a note of that.


It cost me 12 quid on their poxy 0844 number yesterday at 25p per minute.

Google “say no to 0870”

If I ever have to call a company using premium rate numbers I’ll get a landline number from that site even if it isn’t the right department and ask them to transfer my call.

I don’t see why I should pay to call someone I’m already a customer of. Even more so if its because they’ve made a mistake.

^^^What he said.
And if you do use the site offer feedback if a number works or not.


It cost me 12 quid on their poxy 0844 number yesterday at 25p per minute.

Google “say no to 0870”

If I ever have to call a company using premium rate numbers I’ll get a landline number from that site even if it isn’t the right department and ask them to transfer my call.

I don’t see why I should pay to call someone I’m already a customer of. Even more so if its because they’ve made a mistake.

And according to the news today, private companies are going to be banned from using those numbers in 2014, BUT government agencies will still be able to use them, ■■■■■■■ hypocrites!!

If you have an android phone this is a useful ap weq4u.co.uk/ it basically checks its database for a normal number which then comes out of any inclusive minutes you have,it will even queue for you but haven’t tried that.

Only used it a couple of times but save a few quid :smiley:

Or look for an overseas number, drop the 44 bit and you’ll find a number for their office in Birmingham or Brighton etc.

We had a similar thing with the kids cars earlier in the year…renewed the policies (Admiral Multicar)by phone and the documents came online…but the payment never went out on the due date and the AskMid was showing all 3 cars as not on the system… :frowning:

Admiral told me it can take up to 14 days for the askmid type system to update, but the police have access to live information that askmid don’t…and the payment would go out eventually, which it did, 10 days later…

Don’t worry too much… It’ll be ok :slight_smile:

As an afterthought… one of my girls got stopped by the police in west wales at the weekend on a routine check… all they asked her was her name, address and was it her car ■■? What she didn’t tell them was even though its insured in her own name, it’s registered keeper is her brother, but the feds never raised that point… So in short, I’m guessing they have access to the actual insurance details, instead of whether or it’s insured or not …Hope that made sense :slight_smile:

Don’t worry too much… It’ll be ok :slight_smile:

…Hope that made sense :slight_smile:


Many Thanks.

I feel better already.

As long as you can prove they’ve taken money from your account your ok…

Not true at all. Not by a country mile.

I check all my vehicles regularly.
I just don’t trust the insurance companies since they used a letter “O” instead of a the number zero “0”. To make it worse, it was a renewal, I’d been riding around for a year or so with the bike being insured under the wrong registration number!


takes about seven days for your renewal too be uploaded onto the insurance database but i wouldnt worry about being stopped as the copper can call the insurance company too find out if you are insured or not



Well I hope the Copper has more luck than me if he phones the insurance company.

It cost me 12 quid on their poxy 0844 number yesterday at 25p per minute.


in future use the say no to 0870 number website type in the 0844 number and it gives all local numbers for you to call saves on the bills.

Well Folks, you can relax. I am now insured !!!

What happened was this. Years ago I used gocompare so now
that they know my insurance aniversary date, I am contacted
every year by every Tom, ■■■■ and Harry telling me how good they are.

The Post Office contacted me offering to “beat my renewal
quote by 50 quid” so I told my insurance company about this and
they emailed back saying “sorry to hear you’re leaving us.”

My God I said, I don’t really want to leave you, I just want you to
sharpen your pencil. And, after that 12 quid phone call, they did !!!



Whenever my insurance is due for renewal I always make sure that I insist on a cover note dated from the previous expiry and tell them I have just been given a ‘producer’.