Im lost for words

got to malton today and some chap calls me over to fence and asks me if i know where the truck with this specific fleet no is, he says it should be at malton, well its not there, he then proceeds to tell me he traveled up from the south side of brum to see it :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: , he was then going on to sherburn,wakefield, he said hed been elswhere 1st before malton , hed got to the 1st depot at 4 a.m :open_mouth: this morning, so would of been up from 2 a.m appx, when i got back to are depot at 4.30 p.m he was there taking photos of the truck that should of been at malton :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: , he then said he was off down to corby as there was one there he needed the reg number off of.
he said the week before hed been to scotland to get some numbers :open_mouth: :open_mouth: , he said it had to be done :exclamation: :exclamation: .
i must admit i was speechless, to drive from brum[ he said nr alcester] up to malton to get a photo of a truck than isnt there, the miles, the fuel,the time, i thought watching football was dear enough,
as i say ,lost for words

It’s Scannys hobby Aid, so leave him be :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

So who was he?
Some insurance geek, a terrorist, or some nutty train spotting type truck freak?

So who was he?
Some insurance geek, a terrorist, or some nutty train spotting type truck freak?

My guess is that he was Stobart-spotting at the bacon factory.


Whatever floats your boat… :smiley:

so much for load security if Joe Public can find out where a particular vehicle is going to be at any time :open_mouth:

If only some people in planning offices took as much interest in where things were!

If only some people in planning offices took as much interest in where things were!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

very true

so much for load security if Joe Public can find out where a particular vehicle is going to be at any time :open_mouth:

I’d say security was good on this occasion as it wasn’t where he thought it would be.

sounds like a lorry spotter, im alright in my axor nobody wants to take pictures of me even though i am a handsome devil :smiling_imp:

was’nt me …!!!
am not that sad… have been known to sit near a bridge and take some when am really bored like :sunglasses: …but wouldnt go to the extent of looking for a paticular reg plate or fleet number …

seen one, seen em all, innit :stuck_out_tongue:

Some of the bus and coach spotters are just as bad though there knowledge is often better than mine.When booked to drive to a large event they turn up to watch and photograph the buses ,I was a train spotter in the days of steam cant see much to interest folk in old buses,each to his own though.

Some of the bus and coach spotters are just as bad though there knowledge is often better than mine.When booked to drive to a large event they turn up to watch and photograph the buses ,I was a train spotter in the days of steam cant see much to interest folk in old buses,each to his own though.

When I was a bus driver, we had a few bus spotters turn up at the bus station from Birmingham looking for a specific bus… :open_mouth:
Theres a few photos of me driving buses on the web though… :sunglasses: