I'm back :D

Been working in london last year been busy and just got out in time for the olympics farce!!!

Here is my new truck… what you think of it? Just had the graphics installed today.

See you guys about.

oh look, it’s got a big angry chicken on the side :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

apart from that, nice colour mate :grimacing:

is that the same lot that got the red ones with the silver stripe?

Yea this one didnt have the silver stripe so i asked if i could get somehting put on it, wanted to be different some like it some dont.

is that a brighter red than the rest of the fleet?

it certainly looks it, or is it just that it is clean? :laughing: :laughing:

You oughta send it back mate :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

They forgot to fit the permanently on front fog lights :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Ha ha its got a new paint job on it and as for fogs i have no idea why they run with them on but each to thier own and i think they are in the wrong place should be fogs on outside spots in middle im sure scania had a reason why. But given the constant re design of the r series i dont think scania are really thinking much.

I asked for fog lamps and told scanny where to shove them £135 for the 2mtr cable and £35 each for the spots. The cable which is just 2 strands put me off handing over my money. Spots are a good price though.

ah Warrens Rugby
tipped bread in there from Belguim
please note the Woolies signage

yup home of the Angry shunter. Hitch have you had a encounter with him yet?