Hi Guys & Gals,
Some days just make you want to scream! Why is it that the guys in charge of transport never know how long it actually takes to get tipped in some of these places!
Im seriously waiting for the time our day planners come to me and say “Just a local run for your lads tonight - Dover, Cardiff and Aberdeen”
Am giving serious consideration to a change of career!
Rant over 
Just be wary of not tarnishing every person in the office with the same brush.
I,like most on here,have a C1 licence,and up until last September,used it daily.But at the moment,I’m in our traffic office,doing everything from planning to making the tea,so I do have an understanding of drivers frustrations.
perhaps the blame actually lays with the hr at the company or with company policy regarding employment qualifications.
some companies will employ traffic office staff on the basis that they have a form of transport degree, an interest in transport and willing to be trained in that area whilst others will ensure that any applicant has a knowledge of the road network and distance time relations etc.
whilst some companies employ certified transport staff others prefer to use the skills of the drivers and where they are suitable will employ a driver from there own pool into the office.
whichever way they do it as a driver you know your own abilities and perhaps should consider educating the lairy office staff of the correct balance to reach driver acceptance - once they have been educated to the correct way of doing things the whole mechanism of the operation will run much more smoothly and will help alleviate the them versus us scenario.
think of it this way - you the driver has one truck to run - there is one telephone to answer and only one office to deal with meanwhile the guy in the office has the fleet of trucks to deal with - all of the drivers to deal with - everybodies problems and more than enough telephones that quite often they wish for a breakdown in the phone lines just so the ■■■■ ringing stops.
yes - you guessed it i have been there and driving a truck is much easier than dealing with 100 trucks and 100 drivers and all the customers, all the complaints, all the telephones, trying to make sure that everyone is in the right place at the right time and then back home when they want to be.
yes - you guessed it i have been there and driving a truck is much easier than dealing with 100 trucks and 100 drivers and all the customers, all the complaints, all the telephones, trying to make sure that everyone is in the right place at the right time and then back home when they want to be.
Another office escapee 
I escaped the office last year
and went back on the road
when i started at freightliner at the interveiw they asked me what i really wanted to do i said “i want to drive a lorry” they said “no really what do you really want to do” i said “ive come to drive a lorry” they said no one comes to freightliner to drive a lorry they all say that but want to do something else like drive the cranes or work in the office on planning. not me i told them i couldnt handle the pressure.
thats the problem isnt it people dont realise whats involved dont realise the pressure just think loads fall at your feet and drivers are always in the right place at the right time. i would never go to work in an office i know my place and its on the road.