Illnesses after covid jabs

As a prior caveat to this post…I’ve already admitted I was taken in at the first scare and horror reports from Italy in 2020,.I have also said maybe I should not have had the 2 jabs, but that’s life, you pay yer money you take your chance, so move on…so spare me the ‘‘Told you so.s’’ , I fully get it, whatever happens if anything it’s my OWN fault,.who cares? .
I ain’t the type of guy to worry about any goddam thing, that’s how I roll.

So that said,.I am ALL OVER all this.
Problem is all this stuff is never going to be taken serious, because it is clouded with all the old previous mad cap science fiction stuff,.that is always brought up in these media debates as a source of ridicule …where we are all going to turn into lizard men led by the Emperor David Icke…oh yeh and the amalgamation with Bill Gates and his microchips ffs :unamused: , all ■■■■■■■■ to anybody with a level head.

However if people are suffering serious side effects from an injection for a genuine flu like ailment, that was not ready for use nor fit for purpose,.that is a whole different ball game …heads should [zb] roll…literally.

But same as the corrupt ex chancellor who was in charge of taxes and did not pay any :laughing: (am I the only one who sees the funny side of this :smiley: and good luck to him btw if he got away with it :smiley: and btw where is Franglais, this is right up his strasse :smiley: ) it will he trivialised, censored, spun, buried by other news,.and swept under the carpet…that is the way of the world.

My gut feeling is that the ones to avoid most of all are the boosters.

None of the people at the back of the medical experiment will be held responsible, not in the west anyway where the media and justice system is not independent, they’ll probably find a few scapegoats to throw under the bus, Trump himself scored an own goal getting involved with the bloody scam in the beginning, taking the credit for the speed it was designed and made i think will come back to bite him in the arse, no doubt Teflon Tone will slither his way out of any repercussions, wouldn’t surprise me to see him as head of the WEF shortly, though Starmer was there so maybe it’s not Tone’s reward yet.

As for David Icke and lizard people, he wasn’t speaking literally in my mind, but telling people the nature of those who would rule, ie without conscience and addicted to wealth and power, he wasn’t wrong.
Icke has proved to be one of the sanest and prophetic.

As for David Icke and lizard people, HE WASN’T SPEAKING LITERALLY in my mind, but telling people the nature of those who would rule, ie without conscience and addicted to wealth and power, he wasn’t wrong.
Icke has proved to be one of the sanest and prophetic.

You sure about that? … rd-people/

If he’s the sanest, :open_mouth: … a guy who believes all the crap in the link while telling everybody he’s the ‘Son of God’ dressed as a Scouser in a shell suit, it’s sure as hell a sad indictment on everybody else. :laughing:


As for David Icke and lizard people, HE WASN’T SPEAKING LITERALLY in my mind, but telling people the nature of those who would rule, ie without conscience and addicted to wealth and power, he wasn’t wrong.
Icke has proved to be one of the sanest and prophetic.

You sure about that? … rd-people/

If he’s the sanest, :open_mouth: … a guy who believes all the crap in the link while telling everybody he’s the ‘Son of God’ while dressed as a Scouser in a shell suit, it’s sure as hell a sad indictment on everybody else. :laughing:

It isn’t Icke who invented the disease or the gene therapy heart stopper clot shot cure.
Feel free to prefer to place your trust in the Faucis, Gates and CCPs and the bioengineering agendas of this world.

My gut feeling is that the ones to avoid most of all are the boosters.

None of the people at the back of the medical experiment will be held responsible
Icke has proved to be one of the sanest and prophetic.

Icke is just a convenient diversion, to use against any opposition to those behind this agenda, whatever their agenda might be.



As for David Icke and lizard people, HE WASN’T SPEAKING LITERALLY in my mind, but telling people the nature of those who would rule, ie without conscience and addicted to wealth and power, he wasn’t wrong.
Icke has proved to be one of the sanest and prophetic.

You sure about that? … rd-people/

If he’s the sanest, :open_mouth: … a guy who believes all the crap in the link while telling everybody he’s the ‘Son of God’ while dressed as a Scouser in a shell suit, it’s sure as hell a sad indictment on everybody else. :laughing:

It isn’t Icke who invented the disease or the gene therapy heart stopper clot shot cure.
Feel free to prefer to place your trust in the Faucis, Gates and CCPs and the bioengineering agendas of this world.

Oh ffs! :unamused:
Carryfast mate, I never said he was did I■■? :unamused:
So ‘‘feel free’’ to ■■■■ off. :neutral_face:

Really can’t be arsed. :neutral_face:




As for David Icke and lizard people, HE WASN’T SPEAKING LITERALLY in my mind, but telling people the nature of those who would rule, ie without conscience and addicted to wealth and power, he wasn’t wrong.
Icke has proved to be one of the sanest and prophetic.

You sure about that? … rd-people/

If he’s the sanest, :open_mouth: … a guy who believes all the crap in the link while telling everybody he’s the ‘Son of God’ while dressed as a Scouser in a shell suit, it’s sure as hell a sad indictment on everybody else. :laughing:

It isn’t Icke who invented the disease or the gene therapy heart stopper clot shot cure.
Feel free to prefer to place your trust in the Faucis, Gates and CCPs and the bioengineering agendas of this world.

Oh ffs! :unamused:
Carryfast mate, I never said he was did I■■?
So ‘‘feel free’’ to [zb] off. :neutral_face:

So do you agree that trusting the CCP and Gates and Fauci and the government on the the COVID narrative that we’ve been fed and the anything but vaccine, is a lot more insane than believing anything that Icke says ?.

So do you agree that trusting the CCP and Gates and Fauci and the government on the the COVID narrative that we’ve been fed and the anything but vaccine, is a lot more insane than believing anything that Icke says ?.

Oh God, :unamused: here we go. :unamused:
How tf did you deduce and interpret that out of what I said about David Icke and his ■■■■ Lizardmen. :open_mouth: :unamused:

Only thing ‘‘I agree’’ with mate is that you tend to pick up on things, either tenuous or non existent, (or even make bizzare non relevant interpretations) , out of what people say,.solely in order to state your own agenda,.and turn it into a 5 page argument.
Thing is I ain’t playing.

‘‘Feel free’’ to give Winseer a pull, he’ll argue with you all ■■■■ day… :bulb:

^^^ Amazing ain’t he? :smiley: :smiley: It’s like making a statement that “people who believe the earth is flat are idiots” and him them coming back with “feel free to explain just how the earth isn’t triangular then”.

Absolutely barking mad.

the maoster:
^^^ Amazing ain’t he? :smiley: :smiley: It’s like making a statement that “people who believe the earth is flat are idiots” and him them coming back with “feel free to explain just how the earth isn’t triangular then”.

Absolutely barking mad.

The topic is supposedly all about the ‘Covid’ narrative and the anything but vaccines ‘cure’ and by implication the questionable involvement of Porton Down, the WHO and Gates and Fauchi and the CCP and their puppets like Boris Johnson etc in that whole debacle.
All that is conspiracy fact not theory.
How does Icke fit into that bearing in mind it wasn’t me who said what about what bleedin Icke said concerning the lizards.
So I (actually ) came back with the question of wtf has Icke and lizards ( or flat earth believers ) got to do with COVID and the gene therapy which was foisted on the public using COVID as the pretext.
Barking mad indeed.

the maoster:
^^^ Amazing ain’t he? :smiley: :smiley: It’s like making a statement that “people who believe the earth is flat are idiots” and him them coming back with “feel free to explain just how the earth isn’t triangular then”.

Absolutely barking mad.

:laughing: Yep exactly.
It’s etched on my brain like a brand the time I got trapped into a megathon discussion on corporal punishment on here with him , it was relentless, I even think we both exchanged opposite views to what we started out with in the end,.as we were tied in knots…never again. :laughing:

I believe in trees, Water, flowers, wheat,cows, and all the other things we know have been here for many years, and who have sustained us for a very long time now. I also grew up in a world that accepted commercialism as a new way of life. I don’t like it, but here we are.

I don’t give a flying what’s not, about lizards, fake vaccines, deep state, the Russians or Chinese, or my local council. I decided some time ago, to play your game as long as it suits me, but I’m ready to move on, when it all falls apart.

Which it will.

Learn how to make a fire without a lighter, and how to prep a rabbit…

learn how to build, repair, and even invent things - without being able to watch a handy Youtube video on “How to do that”.

How many of us can build a make-shift electricity generator for example?

Even if you get the power back on - you then have to worry about “Internet still don’t work” and of course “Neighbor now has a motive for wiping out your famil, coveting your home-made generator” that in a post-econopolypse world - is worth it’s weight in gold… :open_mouth:

To paraphrase Einstein:

“I don’t know what weapons WWIII will be fought with - but WW IV will be fought with sticks and stones”


"I don’t know what political faction(s) the next government will consist of - but the next after THAT will be “Brudders United”.

Just think:

They don’t lose any money from “deleted bank accounts”…

They already live on scrapards with plentiful materials to “Build and maintain your makeshift <anything you want!>”

They already run businesses doing things like “MOT repairs”, “Scrap Merchants”, “Refuse Collection”, and “Reycling”…

They already look at home wearing grime-covered christmas jumpers in the height of summer…

And of course "They don’t wear suits, making them suddenly rather more trust-worthy for doing business with than anyone who so much as talks with a public school accent…

To paraphrase Einstein:

“I don’t know what weapons WWIII will be fought with - but WW IV will be fought with sticks and stones”


"I don’t know what political faction(s) the next government will consist of - but the next after THAT will be “Brudders United”.

Just think:

They don’t lose any money from “deleted bank accounts”…

They already live on scrapards with plentiful materials to “Build and maintain your makeshift <anything you want!>”

They already run businesses doing things like “MOT repairs”, “Scrap Merchants”, “Refuse Collection”, and “Reycling”…

They already look at home wearing grime-covered christmas jumpers in the height of summer…

And of course "They don’t wear suits, making them suddenly rather more trust-worthy for doing business with than anyone who so much as talks with a public school accent…

Just wondering Winseer mate.
Are you sure you are on the right thread? … …planet?

How many of us can build a make-shift electricity generator for example?


How do you build a make-shift generator?

And if you have to, is it worth it? Wouldn’t fire be able to satisfy all your electricity needs?


How many of us can build a make-shift electricity generator for example?


How do you build a make-shift generator?

And if you have to, is it worth it? Wouldn’t fire be able to satisfy all your electricity needs?

If it was that easy we wouldn’t have needed power stations and the national grid.

Ah c’mon, s’funny.


Dr John Campbell on the now proven benefits of vitamins D in helping you stay healthy.

We’ve been taking Vits D3, K2 and C daily for the last 3 year, interestingly my dentist mentioned K2 as worthwhile during my last examination and was quite surprised when i told him we took it daily.

My Mrs has a thing called fibromyalgia she wakes up in a morning in pain she describes it as feeling like she’s been kicked all over, but it eventually wears off as the day goes on, then it all starts again next morning.
Anyway she went to doctor this morning,.she told him it was getting worse,.and that she has felt it more severely since she had her last Covid jab.
His words were …‘‘You are certainly not the first with that condition to say that’’.