Illnesses after covid jabs

I just got back to my mooring today and Stuart, another moorer here brought me up to speed with the news.

Alan, on the next-but-one boat to me died, I’m not sure when but his funeral was last week. He wasn’t very old, late 60s maybe. He was admitted to hospital with some type of heart problem and he was convinced that the Covid jabs had done it.

No one bothered to fact check anything said of China during Covid, nor Russia now over Ukraine - Right?

For all we know, Putin has the Nazis on the Run, which fits if Zelensky always trying to run things “from exile” all the time is anything to go by…

Kiev hasn’t been destroyed, because Putin wants it back intact, having been stolen away from the breaking-up Soviet Union around about the time of Gorbachev’s downfall…

How easy it would be for Putin to drop the bomb on the lot - IF Ukraine really were his enemy…
How easy it was to blame China, rather than the CCP ruling it - of creating Covid, when more likely it was a concerted Deep State agreement to remove all the decent leaders from around the world, and install fresh, deep-state approved ones instead…?

Imran Khan, Jair Bolsonaro, Donald Trump, and a current attempt to remove Recep Erdogan in progress, which may yet fail, if he has as good a grip on his country as he seems to thus far…

All the Covid data - can then be conjured up by taking real, everyday data for everday ailments that kill people every day, all over the world… and re-stating that data as all “covid related deaths”…

The real casualties of Covid are those people that have died from:

(1) Having their NHS operations cancelled.
(2) Lifestyle drop, due to losing their jobs, financial worry and stress, having benefits cut, worrying about not seeing a GP anymore etc.
(3) Mental Health decline, making it impossible for such people to dig themselves out of their own holes…
(4) Uncaring Government - more worried about doing things for people you’ll never meet, than the very people that elected them, let alone the people who didn’t in their own countries.
(5) Overwork - working 60-80 hours a week, because the mortgage rate has gone up, and you don’t want to be homeless right now.
(6) Vaping - NHS don’t want to treat it at all, but it is as dangerous as Cigerette smoking, and there’s no safety net this time…
(7) Breakdown RTAs - So many mechanics are now gone, that people are driving vehicles unfit for the road, and getting killed in them.
OTHER things like Smart Motorways get the blame, BUT the vehicle broke down in the first place - didn’t it?
Knock-on effects… - ignore them at your peril!

Having only just read this as I try and avoid this topic……I didn’t think it possible for you to sink any lower in my estimations Winny old fruit but there we go. Awaits inevitable word soup reply

If you didn’t read to the end, to include the nogging jogging points - then you clearly didn’t read it anywhere near far enough.

Are you seriously telling me that my points put in the above post - make no sense, and you disagree with all of them 100%, as if the only things that effect “Illness after covid jabs” are NONE of the above?

Let’s try a more liberal-flavoured post. NONE of these are my opinion, but the “Narrative” includes quite a few of these.

(1) All deaths after covid are entirely coincidental
(2) No one died at the NHS for any reason other than “Personal Neglect” It is not the NHS’s duty to cure people, especially if they were less than fully-fit to begin with
(3) Covid jabs were 100% effective, but not against any new variant coming along later. It is the patient’s fault if they then don’t strongly chase-up getting their next jab asap, even if that means going private to have it…

(4) The government did the very best they could, in a manner approved of by the opposition. Anything else would have been deemed “Partisan” and would have been blocked in parliament.

(5) Committing Brexit weakened Europe enough to that they, too suffered covid deaths, and NOT as it was widely believed because they didn’t stop people coming in from known “hot spot” countries, especially Africa and India.

(6) Brexit was a bad idea implemented in a very good way - to cause maximum damage to the neighbors of those who voted for it, thus keeping society divided, and thereby easier to rule with a green fist.

(7) The Conservatives successfully remain in power by lying about getting Brexit done, and they have given up any notion of being a taxcutting party. They have joined Labour in “Tax and Spend” - but on themselves rather than the British People, who’ve already had all their freebies during the lockdown.

(8) Labour will inherit downing street at the next election, because that’s the “orderly transfer of power” approved of, and NOT because Keir Starmer is the best thing since sliced bread.

(9) No positive promises - need to be kept by any politician anywhere, until and unless every remaining leader in the world that stands against Green, Marxism, and the People themselves - has been removed by the endless attrition of the media.

This shouldn’t be the way it is, but until real change comes - the population will by happy enough to go along with it.

“You’ll own nothing - and be happy”
STARTS with you owning nothing. The “Happy” is already as out-of-reach as the “Brexit Dividend” alas.

How much more strain will now be put on the NHS by people having Heart attacks and Strokes thanks to the threat of imminent eviction - NOT just from mortgaged properties, but also from struggling landlords who can only double rents to cover their overheads…

Plenty of ways to “get ill” then, but not many ways to “get better”.

Mum & myself got the latest covid booster jab last week & both of us still have welts on the skin where they injected us :open_mouth:
The area is painful too & nothing like the other covid jabs we’ve had in the past which were painless.

Might wanna re-phrase that absurd claim about Murdoch and whilst at it,check on how the US CNN owned Australian CH 9/Fairfax Print media and radio were the most Vile puppets of the Vilest Government in the World-VICTORIA.
Denying people ,under threats by their Storm Troopers to be SHOT , for wanting to visit Dying relatives and Loved ones.VICPolice Bashing 78 year Old Women for walking down the street with out a Mask on etc.Three seperate incidents when VicPolice opened fire with Semi-Automatic Guns for a person playing music in his own house after Curfew,Geelong.A man had his car full of 9MM Bullets after he was a few minutes outside curfew so VicPolice filled his car with lead,another man in Werribee was shot in his driveway for confronting VicPolice and this was over 2 weeks in the COVID Nirvana of Melbourne Australia.
But off course there will be Zero Apologies or even acknowledgement of the Cruelty,Death Toll, Enforcing neigbours to inform on each other etc by the CNN Media here frothing at the mouth giving Death Tolls every hour on TV,and we had the State Coroner Cain laughing and grinning as he boasted that suicides were at an all time low in Victoria-As a local park had never seen so many hangings and drownings,but keep on believing CNN led hysteria and blaming Murdoch,which i am no fan off, but living under Tyranny of being arrested and shot for your face mask falling off withing your 5 Kilometre “Zone” etc.

Franglais wrote:

Also for completeness
Australia 77 death per million
UK 325.

Yep the Aussies voted back in those who put life above profits for the likes of Murdoch, the well know economic migrant and COVID hypocrite.

Mum & myself got the latest covid booster jab last week & both of us still have welts on the skin where they injected us :open_mouth:
The area is painful too & nothing like the other covid jabs we’ve had in the past which were painless.

Why tf would you? :unamused:


Mum & myself got the latest covid booster jab last week & both of us still have welts on the skin where they injected us :open_mouth:
The area is painful too & nothing like the other covid jabs we’ve had in the past which were painless.

Why tf would you? :unamused:

I have enough health problems & a weakened immune system so I’m reducing the chance of catching covid.



Mum & myself got the latest covid booster jab last week & both of us still have welts on the skin where they injected us :open_mouth:
The area is painful too & nothing like the other covid jabs we’ve had in the past which were painless.

Why tf would you? :unamused:

I have enough health problems & a weakened immune system so I’m reducing the chance of catching covid.

Ok mate I apologise, but I still think you should have weighed up the odds risk for risk,.which was to be feared the most.
Hope you get through it all ok anyway. … -24-hours/

Study pre print in the Lancet, removed 24 hours later

Quick Claud hit the delete button
nothing to see here move along now

Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study is Removed Within 24 Hours – The Daily Sceptic

Study pre print in the Lancet, removed 24 hours later

Quick Claud hit the delete button
nothing to see here move along now

Just saw this in the daily sceptic, just confirming what was obvious years ago. The vx was obviously safe for most people, but also unnecessary for the vast majority, no proof it did any good whatsoever and for hundreds it was lethal. Why would you risk it?
Definitely is different times we live in now that we can really no longer trust the authorities. Just have to look after those that you love and live your life.


Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study is Removed Within 24 Hours – The Daily Sceptic

Study pre print in the Lancet, removed 24 hours later

Quick Claud hit the delete button
nothing to see here move along now

Just saw this in the daily sceptic, just confirming what was obvious years ago. The vx was obviously safe for most people, but also unnecessary for the vast majority, no proof it did any good whatsoever and for hundreds it was lethal. Why would you risk it?
Definitely is different times we live in now that we can really no longer trust the authorities. Just have to look after those that you love and live your life.

You come to the inevitable conclusion that the govt is the enemy of the people, and the institutions and big business and said govt are all tied together.

All we have to do from here on - is avoid the slings and arrows of outrageous government then?

People under the age of 24 are dying at 40% excess mortality over the last two years.

No idea why?

Booster on sat, bombarded with txts reminding me to book it , waiting to go in for op so checked if ok to have it with hospital , said yes you must , your deemed to be high risk so have it done ASAP
Nb must admit until mrs mentioned covid I’d forgot about it , she’s having hers atvsame time as mine , brought a box of masks for us to wear at place we’re having it done , mrs said my girl rang & said make sure dad wears his !! , do you want me to come to make sure he does .
I’ll wear it or I’ll never here the end of it

Too late for you now Doze if you’ve been cajoled into complying yet again, but anyone else considering getting these boosters would do well to watch and take in this, in places very technical, interview of the esteemed Prof Dalgleish by Dr John Campbell.

No doubt some will dismiss this as rubbish and conspiracy theory without even watching the whole thing or even part of it, the last 15 minutes gives some interesting pointers for general immune system and bodily health.
If you do nothing else keep your Vitamin D levels up.

All these “over and above average deaths” will surely culminate into some kind of “Statistical Super-month” where the sheer number of people suddenly popping their clogs - will be so vast and widespead, that the majority of the public - will suddenly believe (or realize…) that they’ve not only been had, but have been mortally wounded by the establishment already.

…I predict…

Had both Covid & Flu boosters on Sunday, no ill effects.
Just a very minor ache around the injection sites overnight, hardly noticeable.

All these “over and above average deaths” will surely culminate into some kind of “Statistical Super-month” where the sheer number of people suddenly popping their clogs - will be so vast and widespead, that the majority of the public - will suddenly believe (or realize…) that they’ve not only been had, but have been mortally wounded by the establishment already.

…I predict…

Looks like you’ve cheated death once again Winseer then eh :sunglasses: …,.and so soon after you resisted the temptation to shove the bowel cancer stick up your arse.
Well done…

Just you keep avoiding the state assassination attempts, you’re just far to clever for ‘‘THEM’’.
We’re all behind you !.
:unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

I’ve had ■■■■ all since my first jab.
Normally good for a couple of colds per year…but not even a sniffle, since the first vaccine went in.
Mind you,I work for big pharma…so maybe I’ve been spared.

I’m being bombarded with texts everyday inviting me for a Covid jab,.from the same med centre where people can not get an appointment for love nor money I am told.
Is there some monetary incentive to them I’m thinking, for each jab they give?
Or are they just concerned about me? :laughing:

It’s a non reply txt,.so I can’t tell them to stick it unfortunately. :unamused:

Hey ! it’s just occurred to me :bulb: ,
Numerous texts?
…Am I on the same Government hit list as Winseer?? :open_mouth: