Illegal shifts

Someone told me he is doing this…rest/rest/Fri/sat/sun//mon/Tue/wed/Thur/rest/sun… That’s 7 days, 7 full shifts, he reckons he can do it because it’s over 2 separate fixed weeks, I thought this is not legal

CBA to even work it out mate. :unamused:
Way I see it if some absolute ■■■■ clowns want to spend their sad lives maxing out to the limit, or do even more than they are allowed to, let em crack on to their first heart attack,.I could not gaf.
I work alongside a yard full of em.

I’ll carry on at my own much more relaxed pace and stress free life. :sunglasses:

As long as he finishes 144hrs after he starts (6 X 24) then he’s fine. So Noon Friday to Noon Thursday would be legal.

No idea :laughing:

still lorries on analogue tachographs?

CBA to even work it out mate. :unamused:
Way I see it if some absolute [zb] clowns want to spend their sad lives maxing out to the limit, or do even more than they are allowed to, let em crack on to their first heart attack,.I could not gaf.
I work alongside a yard full of em.

I’ll carry on at my own much more relaxed pace and stress free life. :sunglasses:

This. Ain’t my licence or my wallet that’ll be emptied to pay for any fines. They can do what they want, the only time I get annoyed is if it impacts on my working day and shafts me such as a driver deciding to bring a trailer to a changeover with a clearly obviously half flat tyre that’ll not get me home.

A fixed week to me is Sun/ Mon to Fri / Sat unless your on a rota system, then say then if your week starts on a Wednesday then it finishes on Monday

Woking week length has nothing to do with fixed weeks. Could be possible, if he’s finished Thursday before the time he started last Friday that’s fine as it’s within 6 24 hour periods. Can work as many shifts as you like and can legally do within the 144 hours

A fixed week to me is Sun/ Mon to Fri / Sat unless your on a rota system, then say then if your week starts on a Wednesday then it finishes on Monday

Fixed week is same for everyone no matter what they do, a fixed week is 00:00 Monday to 24:00 Sunday. But it’s irrelevant in this particular scenario anyway and the driver is mistaken


A fixed week to me is Sun/ Mon to Fri / Sat unless your on a rota system, then say then if your week starts on a Wednesday then it finishes on Monday

Fixed week is same for everyone no matter what they do, a fixed week is 00:00 Monday to 24:00 Sunday. But it’s irrelevant in this particular scenario anyway and the driver is mistaken

I showed him this thread and he has dropped a shift now, I will be picking up the shift he dropped, I love it when a plan comes together :smiley:

Happy to help!