Ignorant and selfish driver,,,

thanks to the solstor driver who i moved out for on th m1 this evening and then persisted to sit a the side of me after id let him on :imp:
i eased off and went back in but why couldnt you just be polite and let me pass insted of acting like a ■■■…
this is happening too often now is there some thing about been a polite driver in the cpc?
if we cant help out each other then what hope do we have :angry:

I’m with you on this one. A bit of common courtesy never goes amiss.

yorkshire terrier:
this is happening too often now

Why are you still moving over for them then?

if i ever come on to a 2 lane road and a lorry moves over for me i will always drive slow till he over takes me and gets back into lane 1. I don’t want to be in the same class as the ■■■■ that leave people stranded in lane 2

I don’t necessarily expect them to slow down until I’ve passed if they have speed over me. I move over to lane 2, they join lane 1 and quickly get ahead of me, or their cab is already ahead of mine by the time they join, and I move back to lane 1. No problem for me and I wouldn’t expect them to slow down just so I can pull in front, at which point they pull out and quickly pass me anyway. But when they don’t have anything over me speed wise it just makes sense for them to let me back in, after all I made their joining easier.

In recent months I was operating a policy where I moved over and if they then kept me hanging I would note it. If it happened a second time with a vehicle from the same firm I would not move over again for any other truck from that firm.

It’s the ones that start to undertake you rather than let you back in that makes my blood boil, I’m not talking side by side I’m talking about where your nearly in a position to pull back in and the zb just floors it up the inside :imp:

It’s the ones that start to undertake you rather than let you back in that makes my blood boil, I’m not talking side by side I’m talking about where your nearly in a position to pull back in and the zb just floors it up the inside :imp:

Try this trick - left hand indicator on and drive on the cats eyes :wink:

It’s the ones that start to undertake you rather than let you back in that makes my blood boil, I’m not talking side by side I’m talking about where your nearly in a position to pull back in and the zb just floors it up the inside :imp:

and they hide behind their frilly curtains in the process. :unamused: :imp: :imp: :imp:

I think the left hand indicator does work most of the time but not always, these people are not really drivers and dont deserve the title ,just complete tossers.

I have in the past followed a driver…sorry steering attendant, from Newcastle to Doncaster on A1,stuck to his tail board all the way in order to just get passed and get my own back…which i did,well and truly blocking and slowing him down. Its not professional (defo’ road rage!!) i know but i felt so much better in doing so.


It’s the ones that start to undertake you rather than let you back in that makes my blood boil, I’m not talking side by side I’m talking about where your nearly in a position to pull back in and the zb just floors it up the inside :imp:

Try this trick - left hand indicator on and drive on the cats eyes :wink:

Ha ha i like to do the indicator trick with cars that av me sat in lane 2,look in mirror when ive started indicator and see them snaking all over and onto hard shoulder papping theirsens,lol i av no intention of pulling in but it does help and get them out the way

I don’t necessarily expect them to slow down until I’ve passed if they have speed over me. I move over to lane 2, they join lane 1 and quickly get ahead of me, or their cab is already ahead of mine by the time they join, .

i go by the cab bit as well, if their are overtaking me and once they get the cab past then i will slow it to let them past and if im overtaking them or have pulled over to let them join if my cab is past theirs i expect them to slow down.

personally nowadays i couldnt give a zb either way and i dont let it bother me at all.

jessicas dad:

I don’t necessarily expect them to slow down until I’ve passed if they have speed over me. I move over to lane 2, they join lane 1 and quickly get ahead of me, or their cab is already ahead of mine by the time they join, .

i go by the cab bit as well, if their are overtaking me and once they get the cab past then i will slow it to let them past and if im overtaking them or have pulled over to let them join if my cab is past theirs i expect them to slow down.

personally nowadays i couldnt give a zb either way and i dont let it bother me at all.

Me neither.

Cruise Control:

It’s the ones that start to undertake you rather than let you back in that makes my blood boil, I’m not talking side by side I’m talking about where your nearly in a position to pull back in and the zb just floors it up the inside :imp:

and they hide behind their frilly curtains in the process. :unamused: :imp: :imp: :imp:

we dont all drive scannys


It’s the ones that start to undertake you rather than let you back in that makes my blood boil, I’m not talking side by side I’m talking about where your nearly in a position to pull back in and the zb just floors it up the inside :imp:

Try this trick - left hand indicator on and drive on the cats eyes :wink:

works well with cars but it’s abit hard to scare another trucker with the same tactic :confused:

Had an A/wipe in a suit in a Beemer do it to me on the A14. Nothing behind, nothing in front, feelling ok with the world so pulled over to let Richard Head out.
And that’s where he left me! I slowed down, so did he, went flat out which was 53/4 ish on my ERF, (but my God could it pull, best motor I ever had for pulling), so did he. Never seen this S/bag before so why did he want to play stupid games? Did the indicator thing and actually started to squeeze him off the road as by now I had a ton of motors up my backside. Those with any intelligence realised what was going on here.
Eventually he sped up and allowed me in, then jammed on his brakes! Did this two or three times before the usual gesturing to pull off and sort it, I declined his invitation as this geezer wasn’t right in the head and no telling what he might do, so phoned ‘ole bill’ instead. Their advice was to stay on the A14 and they’d try and find me and Mr A/Wipe Loony Tune!
As it happened he turned off to Waterbeach so I don’t know whether or not ‘ole bill’ got him or not.
Even when you are having a quiet day trust some Aresole to come along and spoil it.
Trouble is there are too many of these clowns out there that want to bugger about with artics!

Had an A/wipe in a suit in a Beemer do it to me on the A14. Nothing behind, nothing in front, feelling ok with the world so pulled over to let Richard Head out.
And that’s where he left me! I slowed down, so did he, went flat out which was 53/4 ish on my ERF, (but my God could it pull, best motor I ever had for pulling), so did he. Never seen this S/bag before so why did he want to play stupid games? Did the indicator thing and actually started to squeeze him off the road as by now I had a ton of motors up my backside. Those with any intelligence realised what was going on here.
Eventually he sped up and allowed me in, then jammed on his brakes! Did this two or three times before the usual gesturing to pull off and sort it, I declined his invitation as this geezer wasn’t right in the head and no telling what he might do, so phoned ‘ole bill’ instead. Their advice was to stay on the A14 and they’d try and find me and Mr A/Wipe Loony Tune!
As it happened he turned off to Waterbeach so I don’t know whether or not ‘ole bill’ got him or not.
Even when you are having a quiet day trust some Aresole to come along and spoil it.
Trouble is there are too many of these clowns out there that want to bugger about with artics!


Then don’t move over for 'em!

Traffic from the right has priority, the slip road is just another junction where traffic for the right has priority when you reach the end of a slip road you are required to give way. Everyone should know this, I don’t condone selfish driving, moving over would depend on traffic conditions and the position of the joining vehicle on the slip road, why inconvenience yourself for those who don’t know the rules.

I try where possible to do a favour to other pro. drivers. As has been said in other posts,a few of them are right â– â– â– â– .

A Solstor driver…no i dont believe that :laughing: :laughing: should have got his number and i`d have a word wiv im…by the way…i always slow down to let the polite driver get back in…last 3 letters of my truck is LKA
anjd i too move over to let slip road drivers in…and sometimes get stuck in the middle lane…i suppose its a way of life now not to expect anything different…much the same as drivers who never use their mirrors when overtaking…and dont say thanks when you flash em in…

A Solstor driver…no i dont believe that :laughing: :laughing: should have got his number and i`d have a word wiv im…

Is your Polish very good then :laughing: