If your boss knew everything you did last week

If my Boss had 10 minutes to go over everything I did last week, I can’t help but wonder what he did for the remaining 9 minutes and 50 seconds… :laughing: :laughing:

passing. I’ve even been around a museum before :smiley:

did you go in to see your mummy?? :laughing:
She lives down a dirt track In the arse end of Wales, so…no.
Go too far into Wales, and chances are a proper mummy - will wind up being better-looking than taff’s cast-off… :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :slight_smile:
hard to believe for something so obvious but i have to say…

wooossshhhhhhh!!! :unamused:
Err, maybe it was a mummy/museum thing? I’m slow, forgive me.

It was a car museum anyway. :smiley:
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ok,we can make allowances for you then…