IF you were in charge of Matrix signs

Učit se cizí jazyky! :grimacing:

Why would we do that, when Google is soo much better at it than us Brits will ever be :laughing:



It’s not big, nor clever!



To The Charnock Trunk, It’s clear to Preston. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

To Charnock Trunk…

Where did the other fat bloke go ■■ :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

One that I have seen used in France which could work over here with some amendments :slight_smile:

AB51CDE Trop Vito.

Believe Trop Vito means too fast.

For the [zb]s that want to pootle along it could be shown as AB51CDE Get a move on, you’re holding up the traffic flow.


AB51CDE - Nice Legs etc…

One that I have seen used in France which could work over here with some amendments :slight_smile:

AB51CDE Trop Vito.

Believe Trop Vito means too fast.

For the [zb]s that want to pootle along it could be shown as AB51CDE Get a move on, you’re holding up the traffic flow.


AB51CDE - Nice Legs etc…

Who’s vehicle is AB51CDE? Doesn’t sound like they do anything right (except the legs maybe)… Poor sod.

What about linking them to ANPR, so you can get a make, model, colour and reg of car displayed followed by NO INSURANCE, so we can give them a wide bearth

One that I have seen used in France which could work over here with some amendments :slight_smile:

AB51CDE Trop Vito.

Believe Trop Vito means too fast.

For the [zb]s that want to pootle along it could be shown as AB51CDE Get a move on, you’re holding up the traffic flow.


AB51CDE - Nice Legs etc…

You can also have “Trop prés” which means “too close”. I had it once :blush: :blush: :blush:

Clowns to the left, jokers to the right!

"Is this as far as you’ve got?! It’s only a couple of inhes on the map… etc etc

Much Love, Your Traffic Manager.

P.S. Running this sign over won’t get you there any quicker."

East Fife four Forfar Five. :wink:

Dear car driver, although you think you are smart and your bright red rear fog light looks pretty in the dark and wet weather because it makes the spray look beautiful, i must point out one thing if you don’t mind… they are called FOG LIGHTS for a reason, it is so that intelligent people can use them in REAL FOG to improve road safety… but it has been known for some half wit interbred morons to use them on other occasions, such as now. I’m sure you didn’t realise you had left them on since last month when it was foggy. Could you kindly please switch them off… Thank you , have a nice day…XXXXXXX

these dicks crashed into each other as a result of rubber necking feel free to chuck a old butty at em

Its behind you.


Think bike. A hell of a lot of bikers dont think for themselves.


doe’s that mean everytime you see a bike you knock them off so they can donate. :smiling_imp:

M6 toll clear, please come and donate £10.60

You’ve had two miles saying these lanes are closed! And another 800 yards and flashing cones. Why are you still overtaking?

Clowns to the left, jokers to the right, stuck in the middle behind you!

i’m still waiting to hear about the story from THEREALBIFFO about that got put on a matrix sign one day then the rules got changed after that incident so only 2 people at HA could type things on matrix signs! Lol

i actually think they should make them more funny to entertain people on long ■■■ boring drives