If you pass C+E, do you have to send off the plastic driving licence to DVLA or is it just the pass form? Cant remember what I did after class 2 or if it different for class 1 addon.
It just if I don’t have plastic bit, I can only do agency for companies i’ve worked for previously (on class 2 work) as new ones always want to see licence.
I assume you can drive class 2 without the card if it at DVLA from a vosa point of view?
If you pass C+E, do you have to send off the plastic driving licence to DVLA or is it just the pass form? Cant remember what I did after class 2 or if it different for class 1 addon.
It just if I don’t have plastic bit, I can only do agency for companies i’ve worked for previously (on class 2 work) as new ones always want to see licence.
I assume you can drive class 2 without the card if it at DVLA from a vosa point of view?
Answer above correct
Just because a licence is sent off does not change your categories
You can drive CE for a job a few minutes after passing the test by using the pass cert if employers accept that - most do not - they want to see it on a licence
What you’re meant to do is slice it into long thin strips, mince through a grinder, emulsify with 5th wheel grease, and bake in the oven in the shape of an OXO cube. Then you send it back!
What you’re meant to do is slice it into long thin strips, mince through a grinder, emulsify with 5th wheel grease, and bake in the oven in the shape of an OXO cube. Then you send it back!
Had a feeling i’d sent it back with the form last time, but I assume they destroy the original and issue a new bit of plastic. Hopefully DVLA will be quick in sending it back as cant really afford two weeks without agency work (my LIDL bag for life died too).
As for E8B idea - thats easy, theres an Oxo factory in Worksop a few miles up the road so sure they’ll do it for me. Wonder if you get extra categories for authentically packaging, in oxo cube foil, the resulting licence.