If MP,s were truck driversC

Can you imagine the fiddles and excuses when they had run bent or overloaded, …it was an oversight your honor,I could not add up never could sir…I had to get home to see the wife,and i had to book the two nights out to keep the tacho right, some git nicked the diesel but I scraped up thirty quid of my own dough to buy diesel to get me home,just give me it back in cash ive lost the receipt,and it goes on and on and on

The first one i picked up on was the MP who made his missus claim 25% single person discount as he was working away all week. This should save many of the full time trampers a few bob.
There was also a debate in the House of Lords a while back (you can get it online at Hansard),it was about lorry parking. They came to the conclusion that many drivers where parking on Industrial estates, etc. so they could pocket their night out allowances without spending it , thereby gaining almost £5 K per year.
Couldn’t make it up eh?!!

MP’s would never be truck drivers for one they are chauffered about left right and centre, last time I checked we could not claim expenses and they would not work for the paltry recompense we are offered. But alas they would probably find more fiddles than we could…

please see my DannyGov UK Poll in Bully’s and feel free to express your opinion/s

Most MP’s are fat, lazy, greedy and always at the fiddle!

Hang on! That just sounds like truck drivers!

:laughing: :laughing:

I’m not sure what all the fuss is about the MPs fiddling their expenses !!! :unamused:

Did you ever expect anything more of them ■■? :imp:

If an MP was a truck driver, we would be the best paid, and have the best night out money, and of course great expenses were the boss would never look at them just pay you what you want :stuck_out_tongue: think not :wink: :blush:

i just know i would love to have one in my cab if i got pulled by vosa or the rozzers.it would no doubt be a very interesting conversation with many twists and turns.

i think the worst thing is techniquely most of the money grabbing zb haven’t actually broken the law! why should they? they make the laws that people have to obbey so the rules they made for their own expenses was so generous only the very stupid would allow them self to get caught!! the biggest mistake they made was the freedom of information act and allowing us to see just how much they cream off. it makes me sick!!!

Mr B:
i think the worst thing is techniquely most of the money grabbing zb haven’t actually broken the law!

I don’t know so much, i havn’t had chance to look at them all yet but from what i have read Hazel Blears looks good for a prosecution from the Inland Revenue !

Hazel Blears looks good

Four words you would not normally expect to see together. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


Mr B:
i think the worst thing is techniquely most of the money grabbing zb haven’t actually broken the law!

I don’t know so much, i havn’t had chance to look at them all yet but from what i have read Hazel Blears looks good for a prosecution from the Inland Revenue !

if you’d said caroline flint i’d have agreed with you :smiley:

i really do hope they can convict a few from each party because they’re all at it

The first one i picked up on was the MP who made his missus claim 25% single person discount as he was working away all week. This should save many of the full time trampers a few bob.
There was also a debate in the House of Lords a while back (you can get it online at Hansard),it was about lorry parking. They came to the conclusion that many drivers where parking on Industrial estates, etc. so they could pocket their night out allowances without spending it , thereby gaining almost £5 K per year.
Couldn’t make it up eh?!!


Wheel Nut:

What is this bloke on?

many drivers still choose to pull up overnight in unsecure, dangerous places in order to pocket their allowance.

No drivers choose to do this, the subsistence allowance they get is to feed themselves at night and in the morning, do laundry and a little for the inconvenience. It is the operators who won’t pay to park the vehicle. The problem has arisen because of the steep charges for parking. A truckstop should take profits from selling good value wholesome food, beverages and truck related paraphernalia in the shop.

If you only go to truckstops you’ll probably meet guys who prefer using them. If you go to laybys then you will come across guys who prefer to use them too !!! Load of guys in our place who will no way pay for anywhere, and they get it back if they do. Go figure !!

Sounds familiar

lol i actualy used the i cant add up excuse in court when i was up for driving over my hours (was 30 mins over :blush: ) judge just looked at me and said "that not an excuse " n fined me 200 quid

lol i actualy used the i cant add up excuse in court when i was up for driving over my hours (was 30 mins over :blush: ) judge just looked at me and said "that not an excuse " n fined me 200 quid

You should of stuck to your guns and told him its not your fault, the whole chaotic system needs looking at :smiley:

If MPs were truck drivers then not a lot would get done, apart from the fact they only turn up once or twice a month they would spend hours pontificating over the most pointless of issues, by the time they had it sorted theyd be out of hours!

The two most used statements when the elected members of parliament in this country of ours, get caught for their wrong doings…

“It was an error of judgement on my part”

“Don’t blame me, blame the system!”

I hate these low life crooks with a passion!

:imp: :imp: