If Ghana can do it, why cant we?

The Insider- International News…Begoro gets new lorry park

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :imp: :imp: :imp: :question: :question: :question:

I bet we get spam emails now saying they have money left over from the lorry park project and need help to get it out of the country. :wink: :smiley:

Wonder if the drivers have to pay to park?

I bet we get spam emails now saying they have money left over from the lorry park project and need help to get it out of the country. :wink: :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Wonder if the drivers have to pay to park?

I think it mentioned lorry park tolls

Sorry, I meant was it the drivers, as so may seem to have to do to park the bosses truck over here, or the companies that will pay.

I bet we get spam emails now saying they have money left over from the lorry park project and need help to get it out of the country. :wink: :smiley:

Wonder if the drivers have to pay to park?

LMFAO funniest thing this year :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



Now that must be some bog :laughing:

Salut, David.