i seeing in motorways roadworks that some driver sits about 5meter from cars infront and sometime use lane 3
why are these idiots not done by cameras, they will kill somebodys soon
i seeing in motorways roadworks that some driver sits about 5meter from cars infront and sometime use lane 3
why are these idiots not done by cameras, they will kill somebodys soon
For real?
Not a driving idiot, but when I worked as a plant operator, the company owner asked me what I wanted antifreeze for. I told him it was Friday, and after work I was going to get ■■■■■■ on it.
The op is for real, and correct and what happens daily in the average speed road works, I see lorries tailgating other road users, in some instances only a few cm,s behind a car flashing their lights and tooting the horn.
Where is Angus Nairn when we need him ?
For real?
Yes,because I’ve seen this type of behaviour myself and often wondered the same!!
.Looks like we are off again lads
Regards. John.
Could be a 4 pager
Because we aint got the guts to sit 2mtrs from the back of cars like most of the East Europeans
I went to Italy for holiday a few years ago. If you left 5 metres between you and the car in front you would find a battered Fiat Uno squeezing into it!
Because Police not hunting for this drivers.but if do give him just 60 or 90 quid.for this offence must give at least some 200 quid or taked licence for at least 1 month
Because we aint got the guts to sit 2mtrs from the back of cars like most of the East Europeans
5 metres and the OPs whinging?
the problem is we’re too bunched up so 3mm’s is plenty getting a tow on a bungee is nowt new!
if you think 5 metres is close OP
you must be a fanny in a scanny
nah one trick pony company drivers
<<lights the blue touch paper and stands back
3 pages
This idiot was on the M5 near Worcester last summer. He looks wider than 6’6" to me. I followed him for at least 2 miles before he pulled in and switched on the dashcam to prove I wasn’t seeing things.
(The image is a still from my dashcam, before you all start!)
If the vehicle being tailgated has a mechanical failure, or the driver panics and slams on the brakes, the bull manure for brains driver behind will have no time to react, the time it takes the brain to react and the distance travelled.
Then factor in the time to apply the brakes.
Lastly the time to stop a fully loaded wagon.
But they can explain that to the family they have driven over.
The Judge will decide your fate and how many years of sowing mail bags and being the prison ■■■■■.
All this for getting to your drop two minutes quicker.
Was with a guy the other day who would ride so close to the car in front at times, its really uncomfortable. How can you feel safe driving that close?
I blame the car drivers (Not a very professional thing to say). When there is no speed retrictions on the motorway 99% of cars are in the 2nd and 3rd lanes. Make it 50mph average speed and they all pull accross into the 1st lane so we are all plodding along at 40mph and under. The lorries can’t go anywhere as most have width restrictions on the 2nd and 3rd lanes and the 3rd lane becomes empty as knowone seems to want to use it.
So if we keep backing off another car will fill the gap and we will get slower and slower.
I think my problem is i spent 18mths in the centre of London where if you leave half a gap someone will pull in and you wont get anywhere. You develop quite the attitude problem driving in our capital.
Was with a guy the other day who would ride so close to the car in front at times, its really uncomfortable. How can you feel safe driving that close?
Those that do it as a matter of course are just so stupid that it doesn’t cross their mind what would happen if the vehicle in front had to stop in a hurry. It seems to be quite a proportion of the lorry driving community that fall into this category from my observations.
If the vehicle being tailgated has a mechanical failure, or the driver panics and slams on the brakes, the bull manure for brains driver behind will have no time to react, the time it takes the brain to react and the distance travelled.
Then factor in the time to apply the brakes.
Lastly the time to stop a fully loaded wagon.
But they can explain that to the family they have driven over.
The Judge will decide your fate and how many years of sowing mail bags and being the prison ■■■■■.
All this for getting to your drop two minutes quicker.
A small amount of secondary brake (For the benefit of agency drivers that means pulling the handbrake lever a bit) cures any tailgater issues for me, no brake lights and causes a massive reduction in speed. Yes I know its dangerous but thats how I roll. YOLO etc
Seriously though any tailgater puts their life in my hands and thats probably one of the worst places to have it…
Born Idle:
This idiot was on the M5 near Worcester last summer. He looks wider than 6’6" to me. I followed him for at least 2 miles before he pulled in and switched on the dashcam to prove I wasn’t seeing things.(The image is a still from my dashcam, before you all start!)
Kudos for knowing us all too well
Fair play though he is cracking on and not tailgating, definatley an idiot though.
Olog Hai:
Was with a guy the other day who would ride so close to the car in front at times, its really uncomfortable. How can you feel safe driving that close?Those that do it as a matter of course are just so stupid that it doesn’t cross their mind what would happen if the vehicle in front had to stop in a hurry. It seems to be quite a proportion of the lorry driving community that fall into this category from my observations.
Maybe its because I’m still new at driving or something but I always try and leave a gap big enough for an artic to find into between me and the person in front.