What an idiot truck driver…
Russia, nuff said.
By driving away the car shows how 99% of bad drivers have no idea they’re bad drivers.
Don’t know if it’s to do with driving or just a general mentality across a lot of people that in any seemingly bad eventuality they find themselves in it will almost certainly be someone else’s fault and not theirs.
Russia, nuff said.
Down under by the looks of it.
Own Account Driver:
Russia, nuff said.Down under by the looks of it.
Just saw the describtion on the video, its from Perth in Western Australia, you’re right.
I’m obviously missing something here, in what way is the truck driver the idiot rather than the suicidal fool who cut across the lorries path
:oWhat an idiot truck driver…
Why is that an idiot truck driver? He did great not killing the idiot car driver cutting in front of him and then the car has the gall just to drive off after causing the accident.
Driver of the month in my book, he sacrificed his truck to safe the car driver’s life.
Wayne, you are just about as bad as Dozy
Own Account Driver:
Russia, nuff said.Down under by the looks of it.
Just saw the describtion on the video, its from Perth in Western Australia, you’re right.
Don’t they drive on the left like us in Australia?
Surely it’s an idiot car driver who crossed the path of on coming traffic causing the truck driver to take massive avoiding action, or did I miss something?
Err, they drive on the same side of the road as us in Australia, the left. Seems every vehicle in that video are idiots as they were all driving on the right if it’s Australia.
The clues in the video point to it being China possibly.
or did I miss something?
Nah you didn’t, Wayne isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer at the best of times…
:oWhat an idiot truck driver…
Idiot poster more like. Car cuts up truck and the LORRY driver is the idiot? When he had right of way?
I think you need driving lessons mate. If you think the truck driver is an idiot here then your just as big a danger on the road.
:oWhat an idiot truck driver…Idiot poster more like. Car cuts up truck and the LORRY driver is the idiot? When he had right of way?
I think you need driving lessons mate. If you think the truck driver is an idiot here then your just as big a danger on the road.
It wasn’t the OP’s title, that’s what it says on YouTube. Note the use of the smilie in his post suggesting he is laughing at the idea it’s the truck driver’s fault.
I think there is some kind of mix up because that video isn’t from Australia and it wasn’t the truck at fault.
This video has the same title, same name who supplied the footage and this one is a truck at fault.
:oWhat an idiot truck driver…Idiot poster more like. Car cuts up truck and the LORRY driver is the idiot? When he had right of way?
I think you need driving lessons mate. If you think the truck driver is an idiot here then your just as big a danger on the road.It wasn’t the OP’s title, that’s what it says on YouTube. Note the use of the smilie in his post suggesting he is laughing at the idea it’s the truck driver’s fault.
I think there is some kind of mix up because that video isn’t from Australia and it wasn’t the truck at fault.
This video has the same title, same name who supplied the footage and this one is a truck at fault.
Thanks Coffee, I really should have toned it down a bit to account for the level of intellect on this site, I completely forgot to do that, my bad
It wasn’t the OP’s title, that’s what it says on YouTube. Note the use of the smilie in his post suggesting he is laughing at the idea it’s the truck driver’s fault.
Im open to the idea thats the reason. I fail to see how ANYONE can blame the truck driver.
Smilie was of the “shocked” face and he put idiot truck driver in his header. No other wording to suggest he thinks otherwise.
I look forward to him coming on and telling me and others that this is not the case and he is indeed amused at the idea. And ill believe him if this is the case
Until then I stand by my comments.
Thanks Coffee, I really should have toned it down a bit to account for the level of intellect on this site, I completely forgot to do that, my bad
Its got nothing to do with intellect. Ive got a perfectly high IQ thanks. But what you posted said nothing to suggest you were joking. Even an exclamation mark would have done.
Own Account Driver:
Russia, nuff said.Down under by the looks of it.
Just saw the describtion on the video, its from Perth in Western Australia, you’re right.
Don’t they drive on the left like us in Australia?
Surely it’s an idiot car driver who crossed the path of on coming traffic causing the truck driver to take massive avoiding action, or did I miss something?
Yes, the video looked like China then I regurgitated what was written on it without thinking about it
Thanks Coffee, I really should have toned it down a bit to account for the level of intellect on this site, I completely forgot to do that, my badIts got nothing to do with intellect. Ive got a perfectly high IQ thanks. But what you posted said nothing to suggest you were joking. Even an exclamation mark would have done.
It is a well known fact, around these parts, that truck drivers do no wrong.
I really should have toned it down a bit to account for the level of intellect on this site, I completely forgot to do that, my bad
Why insult the intelligence of people on this site, you posted the video not us, a surprised smiley followed by the words “What an idiot truck driver…” hardly makes it look like the post wasn’t intended the way it read
The video you posted appears to have been ripped from Liveleaks and put on Youtube by the up-loader named Actual15 who changed the title.
It wasn’t the OP’s title, that’s what it says on YouTube. Note the use of the smilie in his post suggesting he is laughing at the idea it’s the truck driver’s fault.I think there is some kind of mix up because that video isn’t from Australia and it wasn’t the truck at fault.
This video has the same title, same name who supplied the footage and this one is a truck at fault.
All makes sense now, I agree with the op, what an idiot, I’m amazed that the other truck managed to stop in time.
Yea Australia I reckon.
I really should have toned it down a bit to account for the level of intellect on this site, I completely forgot to do that, my badWhy insult the intelligence of people on this site, you posted the video not us, a surprised smiley followed by the words “What an idiot truck driver…” hardly makes it look like the post wasn’t intended the way it read
The video you posted appears to have been ripped from Liveleaks and put on Youtube by the up-loader named Actual15 who changed the title.
I never posted it with the changed title.
I’m pretty sure the surprised face is the one I intended to post, as in IDIOT TRUCK DRIVER?
It was obvious to me, obvious to Coffee, and obvious to anyone with half a brain, the ones who didn’t get it however …