Idiot car drivers

They are like rats on your back is the best description I have heard.

Mad dan:
Just a thought but should you have been in the outside lane of a presumably three lane motorway??

I think not…but then I maybe wrong please explain further…

so where is the 3’rd lane on a DUEL carridge way or the stretch of the M11 between stansted and cambridge??[/url]

Thanks Rog! :smiley:

No I did not hoot at her. To be honest, I was so gobsmacked that my jaw must have been on down my chest…My ‘Mate’ did plenty of shouting for both of us tho’!! :smiley:

And bubsy; I don’t think Specsavers do ‘common sense’ implants do they?


I could almost have forgiven the ‘boy racer’ as at least he went the correct side. But; and I’m sure this did not even enter his ‘10 foot tall and bullet proof’ mind, what would he have done If the woman had not done what she did and I had continued my turn and 'taken him out with the rear overhang?? Bet that would have ruined his day!!


There are many 3 lane dual carriageways - parts of the A45 & A46 just to name a couple of them :slight_smile:

Anyone else get annoyed about car drivers doing 45 on a motorway? I swear Im not lying and cant be the only one to see it? You’re cruising along at 56 and then all of a sudden you’re up their ■■■■ and on the brakes because they silly old git is doing 47 miles per hour ON A MOTORWAY ffs its a joke! Ah rant over been wanting to vent that for weeks lol :smiley:

hey thats me, my lorry is a 04 reg cf limited to 48 mph :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: no joke. i had to overtake somebody today and felt guilty as hell for being in the middle lane at 48 mph.

also when im joining the m/way when somebody flashes me in i feel guilty cos they dont realise im stuck at 48. :imp:

JD all I will say is :laughing: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:
And I get cut up every single day in my lorry on inside or outside and after mirrors mirrors mirrors there is always one idiot that gets round without notice and its funny seeing em swerve all over when they realise you’re not stopping :smiley: I love letting em go and giving em a blast on the air horn to let em know whose boss :sunglasses:
To be fair I love my job, I try to be as safe as possible but I also love to let things happen I foresee just as an excuse to blow the horn, immature I know but sod it I love it :stuck_out_tongue:

Ime all for saving a bit of fuel but limiting a lorry to 48mph is plain stupid imo.
Do you have flashing beacon on the back of the trailer? :laughing:

Well i was inclined to agree with you all about car drivers until i was travelling home on the M42/M6 yesterday afternoon in my car.
Coming down the M42 link from jcn9 to the M6 at 4a,doing 50mph as there is roadworks and average speed cameras,i noticed a blue DAF from T Baker transport reg no. gaining on me,after pulling right upto my rear bumper(all i could see was the black bottom grille in my rear view mirror),he intimidated me at least a quarter of a mile like this and then pulled out swerving to the side of me,i looked up at him as he passed me and called him a five knuckle shuffler for driving like a idiot.
He then pulled over without indicating and without even passing me shoving me towards the steel barrier protecting the road workers,i managed to anchor up as well as the chap behind me in his car did as this idiot carried on driving on regardless.
I know i didnt do the wisest thing calling him a ■■■■■■ but this bloke scared the living daylights out of me driving on my bumper like that and reacted without thinking.

( no reg’s allowed ) jd

Actually come to think of it, I saw a superb piece of “Idiot car drivers” driving today.

I was joining the M25 clockwise at Chorleywood and it’s a slightly akward slip road in the sense that there’s a tight curve and then you’re dumped on to the motoway without being able to get much speed up. However, this gives you the advantage of being able to see the traffic you’re about to join head-on so you can plan your gap when you do need to join.
A lady a fair distance in front of me in a Fiesta today clearly didn’t take the opportunity to do that when joining. It looked to me like she was trying to ram a specialist heavy-haulage lorry with about 14 axles which was carrying a Network-Rail bright yellow engineering train. She obviously didn’t check her blind spot… or any spot for that matter as when she indicated and moved over right to join the main carriageway she obviously then realised that she was paralleling an 80-ton beast and so she suddenly swerved back over left and braked hard (so as not to drive on the hard shoulder :unamused:) causing me to hit the anchors.
“How the ZB didn’t she see that there” I thought, whilst laughing to myself in dismay that thanks to her stunt, we’re both trying to join the M25 at 35mph!

Had a classic today!!

One of our yards is on a farm on the A16, 4 miles north of Market Deeping.

The Farm wasn’t between Langtoft and Baston on the left hand side?? Or was it called Six Score Farm?

I personally think this goes both ways. I do alot of driving in my car with a trailer on so aren’t allowed in the 3rd lane but can do 60mph, rather than the 56 most trucks are limited too. Coming up the M6 from Birmingham last month a truck pulled out to overtake and then took 30 miles to complete the manouver :exclamation: :imp: :exclamation: :imp: :exclamation:
You’d have thought after the first few minutes he’d have given up or the guy he was overtaking would have slowed up and let him in, but no, 30 miles with the 2 of them cab to cab :exclamation:
We all know there are bad car drivers out there, but there are bad truck drivers too. I just try and drive the best I can and leave the idiots to it :exclamation: .

How accurate are car speedos?
We have all been driving down the motorway approaching roadworks where the speed limit is reduced to 40 or 50mph, only to be overtaken by a car ,whos driver then cuts in and slows down to around 10 to 15 mph below the speed limit. You cant overtake the in the roadworks because 9 times out of 10 theres a 7:5 t weight limit or width restriction in the outside lane.
Are car speedos that far out? They cant do it just to ■■■■ you off can they?
Is it me ?

Car speedos always seem to over read from between 2mph and 3mph in my experience. I judge it by the sat-nav, which seems to always be spot on whenever guaged against distances and lorry speedos, but always different to car (and van for that matter) speedos.

In fact the ones that get my goat are the ones that slam on the panic anchors when they pass a speed camera having previously overtaken me, despite the fact they would have got through fine at their original speed.


Had a classic today!!

One of our yards is on a farm on the A16, 4 miles north of Market Deeping.

The Farm wasn’t between Langtoft and Baston on the left hand side?? Or was it called Six Score Farm?

No, not quite.

It’s Chapel Farm on the left at the Hop Pole village sign. immediately after the row of cottages on the left and just before the pub on the right.

My nice shiny new(ish) wagon gets lots of nasty mud on it in the yard!! :imp:


Yea I know the farmer there Dave chappel, my farm (House) is across the road from his…and back towards Deeping.

every day as truck drivers we are subject to various acts of gross muppetry by Joe/Josephine Public, and as truck drivers we have to keep our cool, use our enhanced driving positions to keep up our all too nessesary observations in order to protect ourselves and the aforementioned JP from the effects of said muppetry. Appreciation? got more chance of getting from a rocking horse, its just part of the job. Of course you can minimise exposure to the above by doing what I do, and only work nights. When I’m up and about during the day, and see what day drivers have to put up with, I’m glad I only work nights, it means I’ve got a mouth full of teeth instead of off white damp powder!

( language edit ) jd

Well i was inclined to agree with you all about car drivers until i was travelling home on the M42/M6 yesterday afternoon in my car.
Coming down the M42 link from jcn9 to the M6 at 4a,doing 50mph as there is roadworks and average speed cameras,i noticed a blue DAF from T Baker transport reg no. gaining on me,after pulling right upto my rear bumper(all i could see was the black bottom grille in my rear view mirror),he intimidated me at least a quarter of a mile like this and then pulled out swerving to the side of me,i looked up at him as he passed me and called him a five knuckle shuffler for driving like a idiot.
He then pulled over without indicating and without even passing me shoving me towards the steel barrier protecting the road workers,i managed to anchor up as well as the chap behind me in his car did as this idiot carried on driving on regardless.
I know i didnt do the wisest thing calling him a ■■■■■■ but this bloke scared the living daylights out of me driving on my bumper like that and reacted without thinking.

( no reg’s allowed ) jd

If you know the company and the reg number, you should have called the company and made a complaint, and also call the police too, telling them you suspect the lorry driver to be drunk. Tell the company you have called the police too. If you had the reg of the car behind, a totally random witness to the event, give that to the police as well. ■■■■■ like that need their licenses taken away.


Maybe you give too much of a ‘F’ …time for a change of salutation?

Happy Keith:


Maybe you give too much of a ‘F’ …time for a change of salutation?



Ragnorok, i tied with ringing his company,vosa and the police but i never did,someting about reporting another “proffessional” but i wished i had as that could have been someone’s Mrs and Kids he could have wiped out.
Totally agree with you about ■■■■■ like him losing their licence’s though,no wonder the general public think we are all like him.