ice road truckers

Coming on the History channel

Coming on the History channel

As previously mentioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

did do a search but couldnt find anything

and here :unamused:


I saw some sort of american unit on the M25 on Thursday or Friday (can’t remember which day, must be my age :smiley: )promoting this series.

Has been on over here, but way past my bedtime,so haven’t watched any.Always wondered what the freight rates are for those runs.not to mention the insurance. :unamused:

According to legend, the longer routes in Northern Ontario and Northern Manitoba are $7000 per load. Not sure if they are right or not. I don’t think there is an insurance company will touch it at all and that, once you leave the public highway, you are on your own cognizance.

I know that we had some damage last winter, but they didn’t hesitate in the yard to just fix it. I don’t think anything was put to insurance.

I don’t think they even cared about the damage. It was mainly small stuff like vibration wear.

Article in last months Truck mag also.

Didn’t you already do it Bob, and post photos on here?
Or am I thinking of someone else. :confused: ?

On tv now
There absolutely raving mad to be driving on 16" thick ice over a 280 foot deep lake thats -38… :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Already been told I am back up on them this winter, too, David. Looking forward to it as long as it gets cold enough early in the winter.

It isn’t much fun once it gets above -10 as the sun makes it slick.

The series is really well shot but I have misgivings about some of it as there are antics you really wouldn’t want to try.

Enjoyed watching this on tv last night, they have courage these guys and those that do it year after year deserve the good wages they get. Have recorded it for hubby to watch at the weekend.

good programme.
i especially like the smart alec who put his cruise on then went in the back to get a new mug :open_mouth: this was his first ice run and i think he was posing for the cameras. later on in the show he was stuck in a ditch. wonder why??
top respect for TJ. done well for a young un. :sunglasses:

Already been told I am back up on them this winter, too, David. Looking forward to it as long as it gets cold enough early in the winter.

It isn’t much fun once it gets above -10 as the sun makes it slick.

The series is really well shot but I have misgivings about some of it as there are antics you really wouldn’t want to try.

Can’t see the films as I don’t pay for TV on principle, but those video links above were of limited enjoyment for me. Too much darting about from one thing to the other and speeded up action. :unamused:
Would have liked to have given it a go though. :wink: :laughing:

It’s on the History Channel Spardo (Channel 529 over here)…
I don’t know if we pay for that or if it’s on Freeview. :blush: :unamused:

I caught it H +1 last night. It was actually quite good :open_mouth: .
Good enough for me to watch the next episode next week anyway.

TJ did well didn’t he?
When the sun went gone down and the snow started drifting across the road so he couldn’t see it.

Enjoyed it, it was on for about 2 hours

its on again Sunday isnt it? or is that a repeat :unamused:

Enjoyed it, it was on for about 2 hours

its on again Sunday isnt it? or is that a repeat :unamused:

I think that Saturday is the repeats, which is quite handy as I was so knackered the other evening, my eyelids could only last for the first episode . . . . . . . .

This is the History Channel TV Guide search results for Ice Road Truckers.

Wait a while with regard to TJ. His mistakes mount up.

When you are on the ice itself it is very boring. Stuck at 15 ks for over an hour so moving around is not that unusual. And everyone gets stuck on the winter roads. There are no exceptions.

These are my videos. Not as long and without the quality but who cares. … gthebarrel

repeted tonight(saturday)@8pm on history channel and is 1 hour later on history +1