I won't do that again

Having finished a drop at a customers house, I was up on the back, sorting out the pallets and rubbish. I’d left the tail lift where it was, about a foot off the ground, and jumped up on the back, working away quite happily for a minute or so, until I stepped back, forgetting the tail lift wasn’t there, and fell about 3 feet down, backwards! I think I got off quite lightly, bump and graze on the back of my head, grazed my elbow and for some reason my jaw is a bit tender.
Totally my fault, don’t need any lectures on H&S etc, I made a mistake and found out the hard way, feel more stupid than anything.

I slipped on my arse last week broken glass straight into my back had to have it stapled. Funny thing is I hit my elbow and that’s what really bloody hurt, still went to a walk in centre instead off a&e I was back to work in just over an hour was spot on service would still be waiting in a&e now. I am slightly accident prone though or just clumsy :slight_smile:.

You’re right fella,you only do it once.
Many years ago I fell off a flat back, hit my chest on the side rave on the way down. I lay on the floor for a few minutes after being winded(I thought I was dying!) and all I could think about was, I hope nobody saw that!
Stepped back on to tail lift platform - that wasn’t there - in Westminster once (got lowered by a work mate) - people saw that :blush:
Ground rush - it’s horrible :exclamation:

Having finished a drop at a customers house, I was up on the back, sorting out the pallets and rubbish. I’d left the tail lift where it was, about a foot off the ground, and jumped up on the back, working away quite happily for a minute or so, until I stepped back, forgetting the tail lift wasn’t there, and fell about 3 feet down, backwards! I think I got off quite lightly, bump and graze on the back of my head, grazed my elbow and for some reason my jaw is a bit tender.
Totally my fault, don’t need any lectures on H&S etc, I made a mistake and found out the hard way, feel more stupid than anything.

You know that feeling you got, just as you went over backwards…? I feel like that all the time :stuck_out_tongue:

Honest oficer… I fell off the back of a lorry! :wink:

Had similar years ago and wasn’t so lucky; throwing empty pallets out of a box van ,a nail caught me trousers and pulled me off with the pallet. Landed the worst way possible, on me feet with legs straight, knackered me cartilege in left knee which still gives me grief.

I leave my boots on the top step of the truck and I’ve been wearing flip flops in this weather so when I’m getting in and out I have to skip the top step.
This was working fine until the other day when I missed my footing getting out straight onto the second step and fell flat on my arse in front of everyone :laughing:

Drove a Ford Cargo with wheel arches you could sleep on, as my regular truck.

Used the wheels arches to support my weight as I jumped out of cab, this was okay until I ended up in a rented Merc with curved wheel arches, ended up laying in the middle of a main road in Slough. :laughing: Always 3 points of contact from then on!

Work Shy:
Drove a Ford Cargo with wheel arches you could sleep on, as my regular truck.

Used the wheels arches to support my weight as I jumped out of cab, this was okay until I ended up in a rented Merc with curved wheel arches, ended up laying in the middle of a main road in Slough. :laughing: Always 3 points of contact from then on!

yep , works the same with a Bedford TK to a Scania 110 , bloody hell of a drop , hand into fresh air where the wing should be and next minute your sprawled all over the floor

Once (and only once!) forgot i was in a magnum after years driving “normal” truck…yup, fell straight on my backside in front of the warehouse lads on break, OH THE SHAME :blush:

My boy in his new job can have a different truck every day.
One day last week he had a puddle jumper which was no trouble to slide out of.
The next day he had an MAN 18tonner and forgot just how far down it was.

Only last week,I got back to base,pulled between the fuel pump islands and got out OK,but walking between the island and the truck,the last person to use the pump had left the filler pipe lying in the small gap between truck and kerb of the island.I tripped over the pipe and went arse over ■■■,pity the weather was so nice,I was wearing my sleeveless uniform,and a deep graze fetched 3" of skin off my right arm.
This will take some time to heal!

I’ve nearly done the Tail-lift thing, luckily I could throw myself forwards rather than backwards.

Always brought the lift back to the top when I was in the van after that.

You’re right fella,you only do it once.
Many years ago I fell off a flat back, hit my chest on the side rave on the way down. I lay on the floor for a few minutes after being winded(I thought I was dying!) and all I could think about was, I hope nobody saw that!
Stepped back on to tail lift platform - that wasn’t there - in Westminster once (got lowered by a work mate) - people saw that :blush:
Ground rush - it’s horrible :exclamation:

its funny what drivers think when they have an accident ,like you i fell off the side of a lorry about 10 feet up hit the road side on,i felt my ribcage go in like elastic,a stud from my jeans went into my thigh and all that side was a mass bruise a few days later,but like you the first thing that went through my head was get up quick before somebody saw me and compose myself even though i was in agony,its probably the embarrasment factor, not funny at the time, but i can laugh about it now

My boy in his new job can have a different truck every day.
One day last week he had a puddle jumper which was no trouble to slide out of.
The next day he had an MAN 18tonner and forgot just how far down it was.

Only last week,I got back to base,pulled between the fuel pump islands and got out OK,but walking between the island and the truck,the last person to use the pump had left the filler pipe lying in the small gap between truck and kerb of the island.I tripped over the pipe and went arse over ■■■,pity the weather was so nice,I was wearing my sleeveless uniform,and a deep graze fetched 3" of skin off my right arm.
This will take some time to heal!

OUCH!,does not bear thinking about

i fell over a few times over the years but i make a joke about it,if its a kerb i trip over or post i walk into i just say out loud WHO PUT THEM THERE,usually gets a laugh

A couple of years ago,when I was doing hooklift skips,we had a job where the full skip had to be taken out-then the empty put in it’s place. When I started manouvering I remember saying to myself " watch that cone ". Forgot about it,stepped out of cab,backwards-3 points of contact etc-stepped back tripped over the cone and just caught my head on a roap hook on the full skip.
It stung like ■■■■ but not the end of the world. Went in to get the line signed and the guy nearly passed out-I didn’t realise the blood was running down my neck. Thought I should get a proffesional opinion,so I went home to see if my wife (she’s a nurse) could do anything. She could-she could run me down to A & E. Doctor put in 5 staples,the pain was okay,but he said it would hurt more taking them out in a weeks time-sadistic ■■■■■ Went to doctor’s surgery a week later and a nurse took them out-no pain at all.

Managed to go to hospital today after getting hit on the head by a free falling lock locking bar, blood everywhere. All the traffic on the A34 managed to see me do it too. :angry:


Done something like this twice in the last 6 weeks first I was getting off the steps out the beck on a rigid reefer foot got stuck in the bottom step and bang I went down on my arm felt a right ■■■■■ just a graze and bruises then on artic’s getting out climbing down forgot there is 3 steps on a Actros and fell on my arse and same elbow graze and bruise again luckily no-one saw both lol

Not quite as bad, but did a tug test the other week and went shooting forward at a fast rate of knots, with a driver stood at the side :blush:

Many, many years ago, I used to drive farm tractors…Ford 5000s and things like that.

A few years later, someone asked me if I could do a day’s tractor driving, in a Ford 8210.

It was all going very well, until I jumped out of the cab, still holding the grab rail, and realised it was a long way to the ground.

Dislocated my right shoulder (not for the first time).

Managed to pop it back in, lying on the weights at the front of the tractor and clutching a big lump hammer in my hand with the arm hanging down.

Carried on driving, mostly just using my left hand.

No the best ‘day at the office’ I ever had.

inadvertently left the tacho drawer out on my old daf cf whilst loading up in the yard one saturday morning a couple of years back,jumped back into the cab and nearly took my ■■■■■■■ head off!!
lots of blood and a couple of hrs at watford general hospital where they superglued the skin back together.
now got a five inch long jagged scar on the top of my bonce!!! i have quite short hair aswell so its quite visible(cant stand letting my hair grow though!!)