Went to the edge-of-town Argos on my day off today on my boneshaker - old fella’s bike, flat bars, rack on the back. At a set of lights, 3 vehs waiting at red, the middle one a hi-roof LWB Transit. Figured I could go up the inside, wait at the front in the gutter. Half way past the ■■■■■■, lights change! I’m level with chummy’s NS window when he sees me doing the same speed. He slows, gets upset, blows his horn. Realising what I’d done, gave him a wave of apology. I could have been under his back wheel.
Now, I can’t believe I’d have passed the ■■■■■■ if I’d seen him signalling left. Was he? I can’t remember. Maybe he was.
Also, if the first time he saw me was through his NS window, then he can’t have checked his NS mirror like I was taught to.
In retrospect, it was a daft thing to do (ME I mean). Just shows you - I’m old, experienced, traffic-wise, but I still managed it. As drivers, we’ve got to expect the unexpected. People are daft sometimes.