I want to be site admin!

How do you become site admin…i have a great thist for power in a hitleresque way.
firstly i would ban anyone earning over £900 a month (and i run legal) anyone reading this site while wearing furry clogs would be punished by stabbing, and don’t think i would’nt… as site admin i would have access to your personnal details (home address, phone nubers etc) murdering drivers does seem harsh to some people but it can free up jobs helping the economy.
So, vote for me (if it is a voting system?) Pete.
The local and european driver you can trust.

You seem like a reasonable chap here’s my vote.

Thanks Mr B, you can be my number two…or as i like to call you Mr Himmler!
By the way anyone mentioning F88’s or big J’s will incur a small fine £30.00.

And anyone thinking of the children will forced only to eat at Dunstable truckstop.

If you include wallets on chains & mirror sunglasses on your punishable by death list you’ll get my vote.

How do you become site admin?

Grovel you toad :wink:

Mr B:
And anyone thinking of the children will forced only to eat at Dunstable truckstop.

I am never considering the effects of my actions on children ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever again. Ever. :open_mouth:

Make your own site
Then make yourself the admin

who the hell are you? id rather one of the old hands everyone knows was site admin…though spanky wouldnt be allowed as he`d ban everyone with a scanny…and globby would ban anyone who spoke of his obsession with Dafs