I think I see the problem here!

Cyclists and HGVs in London… Why is there so many deaths/incidents involving them… I do wonder why■■?



Hats off to the guy filming it and uploading the footage :wink:
But flippin eck those cyclists are like locust down there :open_mouth:

Hats off to the guy filming it and uploading the footage :wink:
But flippin eck those cyclists are like locust down there :open_mouth:

Yeah he seemed a decent guy, need to watch more of his videos to be sure lol

How many more cyclists need to be hit by lorries before drastic change is made? It’s time they bring in some sort of mandatory training for cyclists because from what I can make out most of the accidents are caused by them substituting common sense for their “right” to use the road.

No accidents, no YouTube sensation but that video is an absolute perfect example of what is wrong. The guy with the camera has a brain , he sees a lorry indicating left and stays back it’s no rocket science is it. Don’t need a hundred mirrors, a barrel load of technology all you need is a bit of commen sense.

The problem is that in-spite of all the videos showing stupid cyclists Boris still thinks the only solution lies with more safety rules for lorries :unamused:

Should these road users (The cyclists) be done for careless driving? If I’m riding my motorcycle and I filter badly/dangerously I get points… should these cyclists get points on their (if they have one) driving licences?.. Very extreme, I know, but how can this type of cycling be stopped, hearing about the number of cyclists killed in London alone obviously isn’t working. This video was about 2 mins long, it was at one set of lights, look how many cyclist put their lives at risk… multiply that by the number of traffic lights in London, or the number of cyclists in London, or the number of trucks driving round London.

Hats off to the guy filming it and uploading the footage :wink:
But flippin eck those cyclists are like locust down there :open_mouth:

Let’s not forget the driver too :exclamation: He/she knew the cyclists were there and drove accordingly - top bloke/bird.
Note the mirror on the traffic lights - do they, don’t they work?


Hats off to the guy filming it and uploading the footage :wink:
But flippin eck those cyclists are like locust down there :open_mouth:

Note the mirror on the traffic lights - do they, don’t they work?

Like any of the 6/7 mirrors on a truck, they only work if the driver uses them. Personally I think they are a good idea. Anything that gives me a view of Mr Suicide in lycra is a good thing.

I would ave been outa the bloody cab! :unamused: :angry:
Thick as ■■■■ the lot of them.

No amount of ‘education’ will teach cyclists that it’s not wise to pull up the side of a truck turning left, they just (for whatever reason) cannot grasp it’s a suicide mission.

There’s 2 options;

  1. Ban cyclists from central London (London has a great public transport system, why not use it?)

  2. Ban HGV traffic from central London (in which case London will grind to a halt).

Since neither options are likely to happen there will be continued carnage of suicidal cyclists, for which I have little sympathy (sorry cyclists).

The solution is simple. Where appropriate, have a smaller separate set of lights for cyclists lower down that give them a 10 second head start over other traffic.

I remember more than 50 years ago seeing a van with the sign on the back ,near side SUICIDE and on the off side PASSING side.Its not a recent thing,but the message just isnt getting through.