I need a French Translation Urgently

I posted a story about my mate who got done for speeding last August on the N10 near Chartres

This week, this letter dropped through his door, and my basic French tells me he owes them another €135

docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid= … m&hl=en_GB

Can someone confirm this to him, chapter and verse please. He has already paid €135 at the roadside, plus he had to get a friend to catch the Eurostar out to Paris and get to Chartres to recover him. He is looking like a sick chipmunk from here.


  1. Ignore it and hope it goes away.

  2. Risk going on Holiday for my Birthday in September.

  3. Appeal the fact that the registration doesn’t look correct.

  4. Bite the bullet, send a payment in the prepaid envelope.

Yep, he must pay them 135 euros using one of the methods decribed on the rear of the letter, failing which they will seize his goods, accounts, salary, vehicles, or anything else they fancy, and they will ramp the bill up if they have to do this.

They don’t seem to acknowledge the 135 euros your friend paid at the roadside though, hopefully he still has the receipt?

Looks like they have fined him the same amount as the deposit he paid but as Harry says they aren’t acknowledging he has already paid it.

It is what I thought, I remember reading the receipt when they came back, but wonder of the wisdom of trying to argue it, we have a friend in the FIM in France who can probably help with a letter to the courts but I am pleased it wasn’t me driving :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Chaps

My advice would be for ahem your friend :wink: to write back and point out that if it wasn’t for us, they would be singing the Horst Wessel Song and eating Sauerkraut rather than singing the Marseillaise and eating frogs’ legs. Not that my advice is ever much good. :blush:

Harry Monk:
My advice would be for ahem your friend :wink: to write back and point out that if it wasn’t for us, they would be singing the Horst Wessel Song and eating Sauerkraut rather than singing the Marseillaise and eating frogs’ legs. Not that my advice is ever much good. :blush:

It was definately my “friend” H, that is why I left his date of birth in… My birthday is in September :laughing:

Apparently he did, he is here now laughing.

When he had his keys in his hand, he walked out of the police station Goose stepping. Maybe there is no helping some people :stuck_out_tongue:

He was muttering something about 60 years ago :open_mouth:

Wheel Nut:
When he had his keys in his hand, he walked out of the police station Goose stepping.

And now it appears they have forgotten about the deposit he paid. Connection? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

It was a lot easier in the days when you just asked them if they enjoyed a cup of coffee form time to time. :smiley:

Harry Monk:
My advice would be for ahem your friend :wink: to write back and point out that if it wasn’t for us, they would be singing the Horst Wessel Song and eating Sauerkraut rather than singing the Marseillaise and eating frogs’ legs. Not that my advice is ever much good. :blush:

As above, tell the cheese eating surrender monkeys to do 1. if it weren’t for the likes of myh grandad they would all be sprechan deutch by now

Exactly. Tell them that the reason French roads are lined with trees is so that the German Army can march in the shade, they always appreciate that one too. :wink:

last time a gendarme tried to fine me for a jumped up offence, along with papedrs for truck I gave him the keys to it aswell and started packing my holdall, he asked what I was doing so I told him you can keep the truck, it doesn’t belong to me

It was all so simple when the only thing they kept was the V5 and CMR :laughing: