I nearly cried....

Was delivering in nottingham city centre this morning off the tail lift, the delivery was in the middle of the pedestrian area and its a single road between metal railings with chairs and tables each side, i hear this lorry reverse up and stop infront of me blocking me in :open_mouth: , notice its a beer truck and didnt think much of itā€¦ as they dont tend not to be long deliveries, anyway as i was putting my last racks on my truck getting ready to go the driver passes me wheeling the beer in and says

"you not in rush mate are ya :question: "

ā€œme, no mate - iā€™ll be here for another 10 minsā€ thinking heā€™ll be gone in 10-15mins :exclamation:

"oooooh, i will be here for 1hr 30 mins :exclamation: :exclamation: "

my face was a picture, i didnt know whether to laugh or cry as i was going to be blocked in for 1h 30 mins :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

but in the end all was well, just as i was raising the tail lift he said

ā€œiā€™ll be 10 mins here mate - then iā€™ll pull out and let you outā€ so he could then reverse in as he had a delivery just across the street from his first drop :exclamation: :exclamation: what a relief and i thank him for doing it :exclamation: :exclamation: he could of i suppose refused and stood his ground but it never even got to the stage of me asking him if he could let me out :exclamation: :exclamation: wonder if that whatā€™s classed as a ā€œprofessional driverā€ :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

anybody been blocked in for 1h 30 mins before :question: :question:

I donā€™t know if dray drivers still do but years ago they got offered a drink at every pub they delivered to. By the time theyā€™d finished their shift many were steaming drunk. One of our local dray drivers, who had been working on the job for ten years or more, got breathalysed one day, about 6 times over the limit. I worked as a drivers mate on an early start job when I was a kid. Me and the driver always finished the deliveries about midday and would be straight in the pub. Wow could he drink. I counted 15 pints one day before we went back to the yard to pick up the company van for him to drive 5 of us home.

How times change. If that happened today, half the pub including the landlord would be straight on the phone to plod.

BLOODY RIGHT nothing CLEVER ABOUT THAT :exclamation:

How times change. If that happened today, half the pub including the landlord would be straight on the phone to plod.

only half the pub :question: :question: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: which half of the pub would you be then if the driver walked out smashed out his head and jumped in his cab and started the engineā€¦ :confused: :confused: :confused:

Like I said. How things have changed. Years ago people wouldnā€™t care less, yet today many are up in arms about it. Drink driving was no less dangerous then than it is today. It just an example of how powerful brain washing is and how easily peoples attitudes can be changed. Another example would be smokers. Media and adverts in general years ago would have people believe no harm would come from smoking 20 a day but today itā€™s become a stick to deny patients with smoking related diseases medical attention.
People are like sheep. A couple of months ago people were up in arms about the MPā€™s expenses. Nothing has been done about it, nothing has changed apart from a handful of MPā€™s resignations. No one has been prosecuted over it. There has been no effort to examine previous years expenses claims, only the year the Daily Telegraph got itā€™s hands on. Everything is back to normal.

Some pubs still give you a drink, a soft one though.

Did frozen food deliveries class 2 before, was burger vans, canteens, resteruants, etcā€¦ was out with a guy who had done it for 10years + every place we went we were offered bacon rolls, rolls n sausage etcā€¦

Was good for the first few deliveries then felt sick :imp:

dray work used to be hard graft
you could sweat off a few beers :laughing:

Some pubs still give you a drink, a soft one though.

Did frozen food deliveries class 2 before, was burger vans, canteens, resteruants, etcā€¦ was out with a guy who had done it for 10years + every place we went we were offered bacon rolls, rolls n sausage etcā€¦

Was good for the first few deliveries then felt sick :imp:

i know what you mean, picked up load of pork pies the other day, got a pack of 4 freebies for my troubles, eat 3 by the time i got back to yard, i felt sick.
took a pack of 4 cream buns off table, that lad had been given as freebies in night, theyll do for day i thought, id eat all 4 by the time id got to birtley, its all right being on food deliveres, not good for your waist though :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

When my grandad was driving he used to have a drink at every pub they delivered to. Mind it was a good job the horse knew itā€™s way home :smiley: :smiley: